Chapter 3: Psycho's

Start from the beginning

It was time for Salma to come in.

'She had killed Daisy in front of my eyes and taken ownership of me.' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

Salma was a reminder of my mother Chu Chi from my past life.

'As I grew Pope Faust decided to throw bait to Marquess Heavens, one of the noble factions he disliked.' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'The excuse was to say I Yeretzy did no longer want the engagement to continue because I didn't want to stay away from my family.' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'I was to say the two excuses but I only claimed one out of guilt.' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

Pope Faust was extremely upset.

'From day till night, he beat me.' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'He beat me with different tools' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'He locked me in the iron bird cage. A size big enough for a few people to fit in there. Then he'd take breaks to rest and came back to beat me again' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'If it wasn't for Rupert who I begged, I would have lost my life along with Dillion who sneaked in to try to take me out when Pope Faust got out for his break' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'Dillion would have died alongside me in the bird cage if I hadn't moved Rupert's heart...' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

After Pope Faust's warning, I was used as an ally to spread Marquess Heaven's rumors about his importance.

I had come to realize that how much I wanted to rebel against this inhuman treatment, it was best to continue to stay obedient and never make them mad or it wouldn't just be me paying the price but Dillion as well who always intervened whenever he found out in some occasions' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

"But I want you to know that it truly breaks my heart seeing your upset face." (Rupert said)

He said as he played with the dangling bottom tip of the bow around her neck.

"Well, it's just the monsters..." (Yeretzy, said)

She placed her hands on the back as her fingertips shivered.

"Ah, monsters" (Rupert, said)

"There's no need Itzy to feel scared there are capable paladins that will protect you if your that worried I can come to visit you sometime" (Rupert, said)

"Still, just hold on till half a year..." (Rupert, said)

He let go of the lace sash.

"Is it really a year? Really?" (Yeretzy, asked)

She asked as relieved.

"Yes my lovely Itzy, only half a year so be at ease that man won't touch you" (Rupert, said)

His eyes went up and down to check her out before rising up again to look at her.

'He has no shame really...rather why doesn't he just go himself!' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

"Then you'll come to visit?" (Yeretzy, asked)

"Of course, there's nothing that will stop me" (Rupert, said)

His eyes seemed to emit a certain passion and determination.

'Then I hope you don't come (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

'I already have a lot on my plate, you'll poison Alexander's sister sometime and everyone will think it was me.' (Yeretzy's inner thoughts)

Within a half year, she'd have to prevent Alexander's younger sister from the poisoning incident.

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