Chapter 15

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"Hey Y/n?" Wanda says knocking on the door.
"Doll is everything ok? Can you unlock the door?" Bucky says.
"Y/n we need you to open this door before we kick it in!" Carol shouts.
"Y/n!" Nat shouts after.
Nat nods at Bucky and he kicks in the door. Your sat on the floor unable to breath, tears rolling down, and head in your arms. "Hey! Doll hey!!" Bucky says, leaving the door wide open. "Hey what's wrong??" He says. "I- that night... I had a flash back..." you say before bursting out into tears again. "If I just hadn't worn what I wore-" you start saying. "Hey! No don't ever blame yourself!!" Nat says. "What he did to you, wasn't ok, it is never ok!" Wanda says.
"What isn't ok?" Your dad says entering the room. "What's going on?" He says walking over and crouching in front of you. "Kiddo I need you to tell me what's going on." He says, in a soft tone and with a soft gaze. "I... I can't..." you say looking at him, then more tears falling. "Yes you can, ok? Remember what Dr Dunnel said? A deep breath in, and shallow breath out." He says doing it with you. You slowly calm down. "Here..." he says handing you two of your meds. "I got you a repeat this morning, I spoke to Dr Dunnel and he said it was best you went back on them.." he says. "I'm going to go and talk to the others in the corridor ok? If you don't want them telling me anything, they won't." He says.

In the corridor:
Tony: "so is someone going to tell me what the fuck is going on with my daughter?"
Nat: "but you just said-?"
Tony: "I know what I just said. But my daughter is currently in there having her first known panic attack of 2 years, something is clearly going on, and I'm not happy about you guys keeping it from me."
Carol: "where sorry Tony..."
Bucky: "but we are on Y/n's side with this.."
Wanda: "you can't be a dick for three months, then think one apology will make everything ok..."

He storms off, and you walk out.

"What happened?" You ask. "Oh nothing, you go fix yourself up love, and come down when your ready." Nat says, hugging you. "Ok..." you reply. "Come on doll.." Bucky says leading you back into the room.

An hour later you guys walk downstairs to see everyone there. "Ok we ready to go?" You say. "Yep I think we are." Bruce replies. "Then let's go!"  You say.

You guys eat at a really cute cafe, and Morgan drags you to the play are to push her on the swing. After eating, you guys decide to go shopping. Your dad pulls out a packet of cigarettes. "Want one?" He asks. "I-I don't..." you start to say. "I can smell it on you every time you come in the house." He laughs. You take one and you guys wait outside whilst everyone goes inside the store.

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