Chapter 5

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You wake up in a cold, bright room. You look around and see machines, someone is sat in the corner of the room, on a chair. "h-hello?" you ask sounding tired.  "Y/n! Omg your awake!" Clint said rushing to your side. He was like your uncle growing up, you two where quite close. "w-what happened?" you ask dazed and confused. Your memories where foggy. "y-you ont remember?" he asks. "n-no.." you said. "wheres Bucky???" you said sitting up quickly. You remembered what happened and started ripping the IVs out of your arm. "wheres Bucky, I need to see Bucky!" you say quickly jumping up. You rush out to the hall way.everyone is sat there, gloomy. "Bucky?! Wheres Bucky?!" you said looking at them then looking down the other side of the hall. They all look at you."Y/n calm down!!" Nat said walking over to you. "NO!" you said rushing to a room Steve just came out see him in a bed, with tubes down his throat. machines beeping. "Bucky.." you said. "this is all my fault.." you said. You turn around to see the others, and you break down. You fall to your knees. Steve hugs you, trying to calm you down. "this is all my fault. its my fault.." you kept repeating. You may not have known him long, but after the week, getting to know one another, it was like you had known each other since you were kids. As you start to calm down, Steve takes you back to your room, you fall asleep.

A day later, you wake up. But the bright lights where blinding, so you kept your eyes closed. You heard a few people talking. "so I can take her home today?" you heard your dad say. "what about Bucky?" he asked. Knowing you wouldn't want to leave him. "im afraid we will have to keep him here until he wakes up." you heard another voice, the doctor, say. "shit.." he whispered loudly. "dad.." you asked weakly. "hey honey.." he said sitting on the foot of your bed. "i get to go home today?" you ask. "yeah.. Yeah you do honey.." he said smiling at you.. "Bucky? Hows Bucky??" you said sitting up. "h-he still hasn't woken up yet honey.." tears form in your eyes.

later that night, you went home. You stumbled straight to elivater. You go to Buckys room, and lay on the floor. You used to do that with him when you where stressed.

Nats POV: she came straight in, and went right to the elivator. She rushed to our floor. "shes taking this quite hard.." Tony said. "can you blame her? She was driving the car Stark! They where quite close.." i said. "oh come on! They knew one another for like, five minutes!" he said. "yeah, but you know what they are both like! they both get attached easily!" I said, defending them. "yeah  yeah.." he said scratching his head.

Y/ns POV: your sat on the floor still, tears running down your face. Theres a knock at the door. "Y/n? you in there?" Nat says through the door. "yeah.." you said through sobs. She comes in, shes holdng a bottle of wine. "thought you could use this.." she said holding it up. you smiled through the tears as she handed you a glass. Half a bottle of wine and 2 break downs later, Nat leaves, and you get into one of Buckys shirts. You climb into his bed. When you where sad, he let you sleep in his bed. Holding in the tears, you say, "please.. Please be ok Buck..". not five minutes later, you fall asleep.

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