Chapter 11

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Stood in the middle of the room is a figure, dressed in all black. They turn around, it's a woman with blonde hair. "Yelena?" Nat says. "Hey!" She says. "Yelena? Who's Yelena?" I say turning to Wanda a Bucky, who are stood next to me. Bucky shrugs. "Nats sister!" Wanda replies.

Yelena and Nat hug. We all decide to throw a party to celebrate Yelena's 'return'.

7pm rolls around and I'm dressed in a short red dress, that's bags at my chest, and a white cropped cardigan. Bucky's puts on a suit, top two buttons undone and no tie. I'm fixing my hair in the mirror when I feel arms wrap around my waist. I put my arms on top of his, as Bucky kisses my neck. In between kisses he says "your stunning doll". I blush.

"Miss Stark? Your father is requesting your presence." F.R.I.D.A.Y announces. "And that'll be him calling us for the party." I say. Bucky does a low chuckle. Before spinning me and opening the door.

We head down stairs where the party has already started. Tons of my dads friends. A few I don't recognise. "Over here!" My dad says waving to me. I walk over.

"Evan Miller, meet my daughter, Y/n Stark. I'll leave you guys to talk." My dad says walking away. "Hi!" He says. "Hey." I reply. "Your dad was just telling me about you." He says biting his lip. "Want to go somewhere quieter?" He says. "Umm.. well.." I say rubbing the back of my neck. He grabs my hand pulling me up stairs. As we are going up I look for Bucky. Just as I spot him we enter the door way to the rooms. Evan pulls me into my room. He knows which is mine because I have a sign on my door with my name. He closes the door after pushing me in.

My heart starts to speed up. He walks closer to me. "You know.. your dad thinks we will get together.." he said. "Does he?" I say trying not to stutter, or show my fear. He steps closer once again. This time our noses are almost touching. My breathing is now ridged. He tucks my hair behind my ear. "It's ok love.." he says pushing me onto my bed. He tries to kiss me. His hand slowly moving up my thigh.

I try to stop him but he's just so strong. Just as his hand is about to go even higher the door bursts open. "GET OFF HER YOU BASTARD!" Bucky screams. Evan jumps and turns around. I'm in tears curled in a ball on the bed at this point. "You want her? Have her!" Evan says storming out my room. We hear his car start. Bucky rushes to me. "You ok?" He says rubbing my back, I shake my head before sobbing into his chest. "It's ok Doll. It's ok." He says. "Come on." He says helping me up taking me into his room. He grabs me one of his shirts and joggers. "Get changed doll. I'll go let your dad know you won't be going back down." I look at him worried "it's ok, don't worry I won't tell him." I smile at him the best I can.

Bucky's POV: I go down stairs to see Tony looking mad. "Stark?" I ask. "What? Where's my daughter. She upset Evan!" He says. "I'm just letting you know Y/n won't be returning to the party." I say. "What why?! She ashamed. Because she should be!" He says. I roll my eyes and clench my fists. "She just won't." I say gritting my teeth. "Whatever. Tell her I don't want to see her until the morning." I just turn and walk away.

Y/n's POV: I get changed and climb into bed. I hear a knock on the door. "Come in!" I say trying to sound as normal as possible. "It's just me doll." Buck says walking into the room. "Hey Buck." I say as he gets some clothes and heads to the bathroom to get changed.

He comes back and climbs into bed. I rest my head on his chest. In seconds we are both asleep.

A/n: hey guys. Sorry I haven't posted in so long. I've not been doing to great with my MH. But I'm back now and will be doing at least one chapter a week. Maybe more. I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far and if you have any requests or things you want to happen then let me know.

Do you think Tony will find out? Who do you think will find out first? How will they react?

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