Chapter 10

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"really Wanda? Its 3 am!" Bucky said, you giggle. "Y/N STARK YOU ARE DEAD!" you look at her jokingly. "oh really what for?" Bucky just smiles and rolls his eyes, wanting to sleep. "YOU TOLD NAT FIRST AND NOT ME!" Nat apeared behind Wanda "hey!" she said laughing. You giggle, before hopping back into bed, and Wanda and Nat leave. "wont your dad kill us?" Bucky asks, putting his arm around you. "only if he finds out..." you say before falling asleep.

You guys wake up to the fire alarm going off. You guys rush out of bed, and head down stairs. You see steve holding a frying pan, that's smoking. "oh! Moring love birds!" you and Bucky quickly look at one another. "h-how-" your cut off. "Yeah, Wanda and Nat have big mouthes... we have all agreed not to tell your dad don't worry!" "ALL??!!" you both say shocked. The others come down, and your dad comes from the lab.

You and Bucky sit next to one another, and eat the pancakes steve had burnt. You see steve making a face when he eats his oen food. You giggle "why don't I go get mcdonalds breakfast?". Everyone agrees, even Steve, and they write there orders down. Bucky decides to go with you, but you decide to drive.

You order the food and go back to the compound. You guys giggle, as you walk through the door, everyone is staring at you, you notice your dad is gone. "what you guys giggling about?" Nat said giggling. You laugh and shake your head "we will never stop making jokes about this you know?" Sam said. Bucky just gives him one of his intense stairs. You giggle and dish out the food before your dad comes back.

After about 30 minutes, you hear a loud back from the training room. You guys go to check it out, and see someone stood in the middle of the room... "who is it?" you ask...

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