CH Twelve: Negative Deja Vu

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Ever since the whole "Either find the balance or find death" bs, I have been stressing out. Like, forget about about how to find my future lover; I need to make enough good decisions to get to the future first. However, I didn't show it in front of the others. The last thing I want them to do is worry about another dilemma in the process of this whole adventure.

At least, that was the plan as everyone surrounded the fire by Bato's boat. I stayed up making sure everyone is asleep, except for Sokka who had quit begging me to go to join them. We sat side by side, and I saw the moon. I somehow felt energized by the mere light shining down on me, yet I felt anxious. It reminds me of the time of Yue's death growing near as we are closer to the North Pole. Didn't help that nothing changed yet.

'Should I save her? I mean, I weighed out the pros and cons. There has to be a way to save her and the Northern Water Tribe, right?'

Pokes in my cheeks snapped me out of my thoughts as Sokka got my attention.

"What are you thinking about so hard for? I've been trying to get your attention for a solid minute."
"A bunch of responsibilities. Anyways, do you need something from me?"
"Well, I have been wondering what your life was like before you met us if you don't mind me asking. I noticed you are the only one that haven't told us your past."
"Because believe it or not, my past isn't pretty. Not suitable for children if you know what I mean," I frowned pointing at his younger sister and Aang.

"They are asleep. Plus, it will pass the time."
"...Ok. But you have to promise to not freak out and attack me."

He nodded while keeping eye contact with me. Replacing modern words with ancient ones is a hard task, but nonetheless, I done it and still was able to tell my story to where it made sense minus the part where I teleport to a TV show/ dimension. By the end of it, I can tell Sokka was horrified and saddened.

"So... you have killed people?"

"Not like my mom. I don't have the heart to when if it comes down to my only option, and there were moments like that. Now can I cut someone? Absolutely."
"In reality, you are a former boss of a group of assassins and illegal sellers. You didn't have a choice, so you gave others what you didn't have and took up the business."
"You're right about one thing. Definitely not suited for kids."

I giggled half-heartedly and stared into the fire solemnly.

"The main reason why I didn't tell ya'll is because in order to grant me and my dad's wish, I had to conceal my past. I just want a family to accept me for who I am, and not judge me for my looks and past. However, it's ok if you see me in a different light."

I was surprised to feel an arm wrapped around my shoulders pull me to the boy's side like a rubber band.

"I do admit I see you a different light, but it is like the moonlight."
"Think about it like this: This vast space surrounding the moon is the underground business, and the moon is the group you built. It shines brighter, yet it's modest."
"Sokka... the way you're speaking so poetically is scaring me," I said looking at the guy beside me.

"What I mean to say is... Your past is horrifically cool. Like one of those horror stories I listened to as a kid with a bittersweet ending. Even when you didn't get what you and your dad wished for, you turned years of your horrible heritage into a blessing. That takes great skill."
"Awe, stop buttering me up, Mohawk."
"I'm serious, Jasmine. You're awesome."
"Don't thank me. Just stating facts."

I smiled up at him and let his warmth and compliments surround me. Admittedly enough, I have never had anyone say anything positive about my leadership, so hearing it makes me flustered and all teary inside. Like that little kid asking for acknowledgement on a terrible stick drawing of their family.

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