CH Six: Watch It, Mr. Macho Man...

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I woke up to someone gently shaking me. However, I just don't feel like waking up.

"Five more minutes, papi."
"I don't know who is this 'papi', but it's time to wake up, because I fixed some soup for you."

I groggily complied and opened my eyes to see that we landed somewhere we can rest. Katara and Aang were on my sides, while Sokka was sharpening my weapons a few feet away. I was on the ground in a sleeping bag, and upon further inspection, I found out it is Sokka's, just by the smell of slight musk and the ocean. What worried me is how I slept through the whole process, because I hate being a heavy sleeper.

"I would've noticed when we landed or when I was moved... Did I sleep that hard?"
"You did, because you caught a slight cold."
"Oh... that makes sense."

I sat up and grabbed the bowl of fish and vegetable soup. Slowly, I sipped. The food had only salt and pepper as flavor, but it got the job done to make me feel regenerated.

"The food is good. Thanks, Katara."
"No problem. I'll go tell Sokka you're awake."

I nodded and focused my attention on Aang, whose face is twitchy and finicky. I figure that he wanted to talk to me but is quite conflicted, so I started.

"Hello, Aang. How are you while I'm asleep?"
"Oh, it was smooth sailing...," He replied being too obvious.

"Was it really, though? You're itching to tell me something."
"I wish you didn't jump in the lake with the Unagi. It was dangerous, and the entire trip, my mind would constantly go to if you didn't succeed and..."

He didn't want to say that last word, and honestly, I didn't want to think about it either.

"Because I knew that it was the right thing to do. I know that the village kind of deserved it for the way it treated me compared to the three of you, but at the end of the day, I couldn't blame them. They are cautious. No different to Sokka, if not more. Plus..."

I glanced at the siblings who strolled a little farther away and whispered to Aang.

"Things changed. A lot more than I thought."
"Oh yeah! I forgot where you came from for a minute. What changed?"
"Ok, remember you went through that Avatar State when..."
"Yeah. What about it?"
"I wasn't supposed to be the one that cheered you up, but for some reason, Katara took a little too long to come and do it."
"I know, and that's not all. Remember the warrior Mohawk trained with? Well, instead of giving him a kiss on the cheek and confessing, she just merely said a joke and playfully punched his shoulder before departing."
"Oh! That's great!"

My mouth held a scowl and my eyebrows furrowed. He saw this and cleared his throat while wiping invisible dirt and dust off his shoulders and chest.

"I mean, uh, tha-that is indeed weird. All of that supposed to happen? Crazy!"

I eyed the young boy suspiciously before continuing to explain the changed events.

"I know, but the biggest one of all thus far is when you didn't jump in the lake and saved the village."
"Wait, I was supposed to? I mean, I thought about it, but it was like something was stopping me. I wondered why you took that leap, because you don't seem to be the type of person do reckless and risky stuff. That would normally be my job."
"I'm shocked as you are. Achoo!"

I sneezed into my elbow before smiling at Aang who did so in return. His eyes widened, and his hands reached inside the vest to pull out something I was supposed to give him: Monk Gyatso's pendant.

"I guess you like the gift considering you're wearing it."
"I don't like the gift. I love it!" He exclaimed before engulfing me into a hug.

Normally, I'm all for hugs and physical signs of appreciation and love, but I'm sick, so I plucked him off me.

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