CH Nine: Jack Sparrow Rip-Off

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I woke up to Aang breathing unevenly. Drowsily but alert, I sat up and gently rubbed his head and right hand until his heartbeat returned to normal. I felt a shift to the left of me and saw the Water Tribe boy lean over my shoulder.

"A nightmare?"
"Yeah. Whatever happened behind those doors made Aang antsy and really, I am too."

I wondered whether or not it's a good idea to tell him what my destiny is apparently. I made up my mind to do so, because if he is gonna know, best if it's from me.

"Remember when I hesitated and stayed quiet?"
"It wasn't like you. What did happen for you to act like that?"
"What I would feel when something is wrong intensified immensely. One second, I would freeze over, and the next I knew, I felt like I was burning alive. During those transitions, I heard a voice in my head. It told me some stuff as reasons why I am here."

I turned around to make sure he is listening. He tilted his head making his ponytail shift to the side. It is quite adorable actually.

"You have to promise to not freak out, though."
"Jasmine, we are literally with two benders and one of them if the Avatar, and Aang turned into Avatar Roku. I think my days of being surprised are over."
"I am the Hantai, a bridge to and from two elements and nations that have the most conflict and can't find common ground. My job is to protect Aang, nurture Amberly along with another being, and find that common ground," I slowly and clearly explained looking for his reaction.

And as expected, his eyes grew wide.

"Change my mind. Still have the ability to be shocked."
"Same here. But at least that explained my looks."

I sighed and glanced straight ahead as the moon shined brightly as if trying to lighten the mood. I chuckled at the theory then look back at my friend only to see him staring at me. I felt for anything on my face other than the blue fold, but found nothing.

"Do I have something on my face?"
"No, but what do you mean by your looks?"
"Well, for one, I am like a milk chocolate human being and if I remember correctly, those that have that feature are those in the Earth Nation and Water Nation for the most part, right?"

"Well, you're not wrong, but that's really..."
"Stereotypical, I know, but that is what I noticed. I also have curly hair and... very abnormal eyes."
"That explains why you were very defensive when Zhao tried to see them, but how bad can your eyes be?"

Like that, my eyebrow is raised at his question. I don't think he forgot all of those times he judged me, and I was just wearing what I came with on my back...

"Consider how almost everybody hates the Fire Nation very badly, and to top off the explosive cake with dynamite, I have eyes that relate to them. I don't want anyone to see them, because I would rather for someone to like me for me and not hate me for what I'm born with."

I took off the item over my eyes and showed them to Sokka. To say he was utterly shook is an understatement. He raise his hands to point at my golden peepers, and I turned away.

"It's ok if you don't want to be my friend, but please don't tell anyone outside of the group. You are the first person I ever shown my eyes to willingly."
"Hey, hey. Relax, I'm not going to stop being your friend because of your eyes, and I won't tell anyone."
"Wait, really?" I questioned a bit in disbelief.

I smiled about this change. I don't have to feel like I'm walking on eggshells around him anymore.

"Well duh. And now that I've seen them, you are really pretty with your whole face showing. Not that you weren't pretty in the first place, I mean-"

"I know what you mean, Sokka. No need to panic while Aang is sleeping, and Katara is keeping watch," I giggled patting his back before laying back down.

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