Chapter 6

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The three were yet again walking on a trail after a break.

Ellie noticed something to their side as she exclaimed with intrigue.

It was a crashed plane on a hill.
Ellie asked Joel if he ever flew on one and he said he has a few times.

Ellie: So lucky.

Joel: Didn't feel like it at the time. Get shoved into a middle seat, pay twelve bucks for a sandwich.

Ellie: Dude, you got to go up into the sky.

Jack pointed at the plane.

Jack: It's no fun if you crash. That's what happened to them.

They walked away and got back on track.

Ellie: So all this just came out of nowhere one day?

Joel: Pretty much.

Ellie: How? I mean, no one was infected with Cordyceps, everybody's fine, eating in restraunts and flying in planes. And then, all at once? How did it even start?

She asked Joel as if he knew for sure.

Joel: No one knows for sure, but, best guess, Cordyceps mutated. Some of it got into the food supply. Probably a basic ingredient like flour or sugar. There were certain brands of food that were sold everywhere, all across the country, across the world. People consumed too much of it and got infected.

Joel asked Jack what he thinks happened.

Jack: Your guess is as good as any. I think I'll go with your explanation because how it happened doesn't matter.

Joel nodded. It really didn't matter, it happened. What matters is survival.

Ellie: I have to ask, why did you change your name? If you can't tell me I won't ask again.

Joel: Ellie! We told you not to ask!

Jack told Joel it was fine and Joel tilted his head and said "what" under his breath.

Jack: I guess, to form a bond of trust, I should tell her.

Joel was perplexed, he then had an idea. He thinks he understands what was going on.

Jack: I have a brother out there somewhere, his name is actually Jack. Our parents saw our declining mental health, or atleast, that's what we heard them talking about one night, they tried to kill me and my brother. We ended them first.
After that, we became Jack The Ripper and Jack The Pyromancer. Some of the Firefly's called me Y/N The Terrorizer. When I was a Firefly-

Ellie: You were a Firefly?!

Jack: Yes... it's where I met my ex, who also became afraid when she saw how I killed infected. She stabbed me in the throat and left me to die. Her father was going to try and give me therapy, but she was too afraid.
This happened when I was fourteen.

There was silence.

Ellie: I.... I'm sorry.

Jack: As you put it, it isn't your fault. But I appreciate it.

Joel decided to change the subject by saying they would cut across the woods.
Ellie thought the road was easier.

Joel: Yeah, but there's stuff up there you shouldn't see.

Ellie: Well, now I have to see it.

Joel: I don't want you to.

Ellie continued walking with a try to stop me look.

Ellie: Can it hurt me?

Joel: No.

Ellie turned around, told Joel he was too honest, told him he should have said axe murderer, and continued walking.

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