chapter 3

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After Tess opened the door Jack put his mask and hat back on while mumbling, Ellie heard it. It was a rhyme almost.

"Jack be lethal, Jack be quick. Jill's a little whore and her alibi's are dirty tricks. She'll leave you dying in a filthy ditch."

She found it curious, but little did she know, he was talking about someone, her name wasn't Jill though. Ellie brushed it off as they got to a balcony... there were hordes of infected laying on the ground, ready to attack at one false move.

Tess: The last time we were here, they were still deep inside the buildings. I guess enough people came through looking for the QZ. They went inside seeking shelter, and thats how they get more of the city bit by bit, year after year.

Ellie watched as one twitched and then, like a wave, all of them did.

Ellie: They're connected.

Tess nodded, her worst fear was becoming one.

Tess: More than you know. The fungus also grows underground. Long fibers like wires, some of them stretching over a mile.

Jack: You have to be careful, you don't wan't to step on one. That's how you wake them up.

Joel suggested they go through the museum.


When they got there, the front door was covered in the fungus which means there could be infected inside.

Ellie: You gotta be fucking kidding.

Jack (thoughts): You have a filthy mouth for your age.

Tess: Well, there's a way across the top floor. We used to take it a lot.

Ellie: Okay.

Joel kneeled down next to a fungal root. He confirmed it was dry, and that it could mean all the infected inside are dead.

Jack, Tess, and Joel all got flashlights out of their backpacks, Ellie realised that meant it was going to be dark inside, and she reacted accordingly.
She got her own out and Tess said they need to set more ground rules.

Tess: If we come up against anything, you get behind us and you stay there, okay?

Ellie: Yes.

Joel walked to the door and confirmed it was clear.
The group walked inside and were cautious. They didn't want to fight any infected, but would if they had no other choice.

They moved slowly through the museum, Ellie was getting the creeps. But Jack was comfortable, he loved the enviroment and the creepy feeling.

Ellie stumbled upon a dead guy and used more profanity. He was mauled to death.

Ellie: What the fuck did that?

Tess was showing visible fear in her expressions and her voice as she tried to explain that he could have came inside and then died.

Tess: I mean... I don't hear anything.

Ellie decided not to whisper.

Ellie: What would you hear?

Joel motioned desperatly for her to keep her voice down. Ellie toned her voice down.

Ellie: What would you hear? Are you saying an infected did that? Because I've been attacked by one, and it wasn't like that.

Joel didn't explain to Ellie what killed that man which annoyed Jack, if she was going to survive, she should know what they are up against. But he didn't want to get on Joel's bad side. They weren't friends, but they weren't enemies. Jack wanted to keep it that way.

HBO TLOU x Male readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora