Chapter 4

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The group climbed out of a window to get to the roof. Tess sat down and Joel gave Ellie a cloth to cover her new bite. Ellie proceeded to walk across a board that ran from the roof they were on to the next roof. Jack followed and Joel told them to wait there.

Joel taped up Tess' foot as she looked at him... that kind of way.

Joel: There's probably more ahead.

Tess: Then we'll deal with it then.

Joel continued to tape her foot but Tess decided she wanted to do it herself.

with Jack and Ellie

Ellie: So... why is your skin like that, that isn't normal.

Jack paused. Who asks questions like that?
But she was right, his deathly pale skin wasn't natural. But he couldn't show her without knowing the outcome. This whole thing might be the Firefly's trying to draw him into a trap. If it was, then he could show them his... condition... to try and earn his freedom.

Jack: I don't know, I just turned pale one day.

Ellie: Hmm. Who's Jill?

Jack: Jill. I assume you heard me mumbling. I don't feel comfortable talking about a girl who stabbed me in the throat with a scapel she took from her dad's surgery kit.

Ellie: Oh, I'm sorry.

Jack: It's okay.

Jack saw Joel walking torward them.

Joel: What are you two talking about?

Jack: Ellie was telling me how she's started her period.

Ellie's jaw dropped. She was so shocked all she could do was call Jack an asshole.

Joel gave a small chuckle as Tess aproached and told them they had to get there before it's dark.


Ellie, Tess, Joel, and Jack were scoping out the capitol building.

There wasn't a single Firefly in sight.

Tess: Where the fuck are they?

Joel was wary. Something wasn't right. There should be Firefly's at the door waiting for them.

They walked to the building slowly, and when they got inside...

They were dead.

Jack: Jesus...

Jack checked one of the bodies and found a note. It refered to him so he put it in his pocket.

Tess was panicking.

Tess: I mean, there's gotta be a fuckin radio or somthing, right?

She started eratically looking through boxes.

Ellie: Who killed them? FEDRA?

Joel: No.

Joel kicked one on his back. Infected.

Joel: The healthy ones fought the sick ones. Everyone lost.

Joel asked Tess what she was doing. She was acting weird.

Tess asked Ellie where Marlene said they were going to take her.

Ellie: I don't know, just west.

Tess: Just west. Fuck. Okay. Well, one of them's gotta have a map on them, right?

She started searching bodies and asked Joel to help but he firmly declined.

Joel: Tess, it's over.

Joel was thinking that getting paid is why Tess was acting this way, that she desperately wanted to comeplete the objective, Jack was wary. He knew something was off.

Joel: We are going home.

Tess: That's not my fucking home!

The whole room went silent at the outburst.

Tess stood up, looked Joel in the eyes and said she was staying here.

Tess: Our luck had to run out sooner or later.

Jack: You're infected...

Joel looked at Jack and back to Tess.

Joel: Show me.

Tess: Joel-

Joel: Show. Me.

She pulled back the collar of her shirt revealing a bite from a clicker.

Joel was unable to speak.

Tess: Oops, right?

Tess told Ellie to take her bandage off.
Her bite was already healing.

Tess: Joel. This is real. Joel, this is fucking real. I need you and Jack to get her to Bill and Frank's.

Joel: No, no, no, I can't. They won't take her.
They're not gonna take her.

Tess: They will cuz you'll convince them.
Look, I never ask you for anything, not to feel the way I felt. You get her there. You keep her alive. And you set everything right. Please say yes, Joel, please.

Ellie: Oh fuck!

An infected guy sprung to life and Joel pulled the hammer on his revolver back and blew it's brains out.

Joel realised his mistake when he saw the fungus chords react to it's touch. They heard the screams of infected outside. Joel ran to the front door and looked outside.

Tess: How many?

Joel: All of them. Maybe a minute.

Tess grabbed an AK-47 and knocked the corks of a metal barrels and knocked them over before handing the AK to Jack with extra mags and told him to take it with him.

Jack: Tess?

Jack knew what Tess was doing but he hoped he was wrong. But he was right, Ellie asked her what she was doing and Tess said she was securing their escape.

She threw down a bunch of grenades.
She walked up to Joel and got very close to him as she looked into his.

Tess: Joel. Save who you can save.

They just look into each others eye's for a few seconds before Joel grabbed Ellie's arm and dragged her outside much to her dismay.

Jack looked at Tess and her at him.

Jack: I hope I'll see you on the other side.

Tess nodded and Jack left.


The building exploded and flaming infected ran out while screaming in pain.

Joel gave one final look at Tess' final stand before walking away. Jack told Ellie to follow with depression in his voice.



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