Chapter 5

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Jack: London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, London bridge is falling, my fair lady-

Ellie: Hey, stop that.

Jack was stitching his mask back together.
Joel was stacking rocks down by the river.

Jack: Why?

Ellie: It's creepy.

Jack finished the stitching, he gave an empty apology. Ellie noticed that neither he nor Joel have been the same since Tess died, but she noticed a more drastic change in Jack. He was more emotionless. It was scary, but she couldn't help but to feel... attracted to him, even in his current state. She didn't know what it was.

Jack pulled out the note he got off the Firefly and read it.

"Eric, bring The Ripper in alive, we have reason to believe he's immune to the infection as well, the last time he was seen outside the mask, he was very pale with orange eyes, these are signs of multiple bites. We know he'll be with the smugglers."

Jack thoughts: Damn... they know. I guess they'll be able to make twice as many cures.

They heard Joel approach so Jack put the note up. He kneeled down and went through his backpack.

Ellie: You want your jacket back?

Ellie was using Joel's jacket as a blanket while sitting against a tree.

Joel said nah and pulled out a small pack of crackers and ate one, He then threw the pack over to Ellie who then proceeded to eat.

Ellie: I've never been in the woods.
More bugs than I thought.

More silence.

Ellie: Look, I've been thinking about-

Joel: I don't want your sorrys.

Ellie said she wasn't going to say sorry.

Ellie: I was gonna say that I've been thinking about what happened.
Nobody made you or Tess take me.
Nobody made you go along with this plan.
You needed a truck battery or whatever and you made a choice. So don't blame me for something that isn't my fault.

Joel nodded, he looked at Ellie with a hint of respect in his stone face expression.

Ellie got up, Jack put his mask and hat on as he and Joel grabbed their assault weapons.
Ellie gave Joel his jacket.

Ellie: How much longer?

Jack: About five hours if we hike.

Ellie: We can manage that.

The three started their long walk.


While walking on a dirt road Ellie decided to break the silence and ask Joel a question.

Ellie: You've gone this way a lot?
No infected.

Joel: Not a lot.

Ellie: What are you looking out for?

Joel: People.

Jack is a fine piece of proof that it's people you have to watch out for.

Ellie: Are Bill and Frank nice?

Joel: Frank is.

Jack: Bill isn't.

Ellie asked Joel how he got that scar on his head.


Joel sighed and didn't answer.

Ellie: What? Is it something lame? Like, you fell down the stairs?

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