"You can come up now." Ji Yuezhi released Zuo Luohuan and she turned her back to the stream as he reached out to push her.

Without any resistance, Ji Yuezhi saw Zuo Luohuan suddenly look up at him and then raise her finger to slowly lick off the drop of blood that had slid down.

The next second, Zuo Luohuan suddenly grabbed Ji Yuezhi by the collar and pulled him into the water with her.

In that moment of entering the water, Ji Yuezhi remembered a lot of information he had learned about pheromones. The pheromones of a top Alpha towards an Omega are extremely sensitive, and Zuo Luohuan was in this induced state, having eaten his blood...

"Holy shit!" Qian Mao looked at the two of them falling into the water together, dumbfounded, thinking that something had happened.

Zuo Luohuan pulled Ji Yuezhi into the water with her, but did not see any resistance from the person she had brought in. There was a moment of confusion, but the next moment, she followed her own instincts and grabbed him, her hand clasping his waist.

If there was a camera filming from above at this moment, it would have captured the scene of the two of them embracing in the water.

Zuo Luohuan had one hand clasping Ji Yuezhi's waist and the other holding his injured arm, lifting him up to the surface together.

"Your blood..." When the two of them surfaced, Zuo Luohuan held onto Ji Yuezhi tightly, her lips close to his ear, whispering, "It's so sweet."

Mixing with her pheromones just right, Zuo Luohuan's not-so-clear mind flashed this sentence, but she was too lazy to say it out loud. Her lips lightly brushed against Ji Yuezhi's soft and cool earlobe, and the feeling of restlessness gradually disappeared.

From the moment Ji Yuezhi was caught by Zuo Luo Huan, he gave up any resistance and was embraced by him. Both of them were soaked in water, and being so close together, he felt all his senses were heightened.

Zuo Luo Huan's body was not hot, unlike most Alphas. Ji Yuezhi had noticed this a long time ago, as her palms were always cold.

Perhaps she thought the same of him, buried in Ji Yuezhi's neck, sniffing the faint scent of iris, murmuring softly, "You're so warm."

Ji Yuezhi's ears turned red, and he turned his head to avoid her actions. They were still in the training ground, surrounded by countless surveillance cameras. He was grateful that there were two other struggling people in the water, creating splashes that made it difficult for those on the shore to see what they were doing.

Zuo Luo Huan put Ji Yuezhi's injured arm on her shoulder, and her free hand directly touched his neck gland, gently rubbing it with the meaning of asserting her Alpha dominance.

As soon as she touched him, Ji Yuezhi's body trembled and he softened, almost biting his lip to control himself from making a sound.

Ji Yuezhi's hand tightly grabbed Zuo Luo Huan's shoulder, his head tilted up, trying to avoid her rubbing, his throat with suppressed gasps, "Don't... don't touch."

Zuo Luo Huan was not very clear-headed, especially when she found that the iris pheromone had become stronger. She rubbed and even wanted to bite the exposed Adam's apple of Ji Yuezhi.

Ji Yuezhi caught a glimpse of Zuo Luo Huan's eyes, and all his emotions froze and disappeared, leaving only deep and shallow sadness: she had never been sober, was she using him as a comforter? Because of An Yingjing.

Zuo Luo Huan's attempt to bite Ji Yuezhi's Adam's apple was unsuccessful, and he pushed her away.

"Captain, captain!" Qian Mao on the shore saw the two separate and immediately raised his flashlight gun to pull Ji Yuezhi out of the river.

Ji Yuezhi left without looking back and thanked Qian Mao after getting ashore.

"You're welcome." Qian Mao hesitated and asked, "Captain, what do we do now?"

Ji Yuezhi's face had already turned pale and cold. He looked at Jiang Hong and Yan Yan in the river and said, "Wait."

After Ji Yuezhi left the shore, the sweet scent of the ylang-ylang gradually dissipated, and Zuo Luohuan slowly regained her senses. She couldn't even remember what had just happened, only that she was dealing with a second-generation robot dog and then her mind became chaotic.

Zuo Luohuan turned her head to look at Jiang Hong and Yan Yan who were still struggling in the water. After she got ashore, she asked the people on the shore, "What happened?"

Zuo Luohuan only listened to half of what the others said and frowned because she noticed that after she walked towards them, Ji Yuezhi subconsciously took a step back.

The Soft and Cute Omega Male (ChatGPT translation)Where stories live. Discover now