He Yue is a typical Omega, not the best in A-level, and not tall, only 1.65 meters. Her skin is slightly red in some places, while most Omegas have fair and delicate skin that is prone to peeling and redness after sun exposure. But standing here, she is silent and upright, and anyone can see that she is a true soldier.

The students who arrive one by one at the shooting training ground gradually quiet down their laughter and conversations when they see He Yue, standing quietly on the opposite side.Ten minutes before class, all the students arrived and He Yue finally spoke up. Her voice was a bit hoarse, as if her vocal cords had been damaged, "Today we will learn how to use sniper rifles. Before we start, five people will form a row, each with a rifle and ten bullets. The moving targets will be set at a distance of one kilometer."

There was no self-introduction or course plan. He Yue began teaching immediately.

The students went up one by one to pick up their sniper rifles. When Zuo Luohuan walked over and bent down to pick up her rifle, Ji Yuezhi was standing on the other side, picking up a sniper rifle as well.

After everyone had a rifle and lined up, He Yue remained silent and still.

Everyone looked at each other, unsure of what was happening.

Within the 17th Army Group, there was a top weapons development team. Ji Yuezhi recognized the YU-93 sniper rifle immediately. It had a range of up to two kilometers, but it was only in use for a short two months because it was too heavy, weighing 18 kilograms, and was not practical to carry around.

On the other side, Zuo Luohuan held the rifle in her hand, not knowing where it came from, but it didn't stop her from familiarizing herself with the rifle's data.

Fifteen minutes later, He Yue asked, "Is there anyone who doesn't know how to use a rifle? Please step forward."

A few people stepped forward, and He Yue had the others line up again. There were exactly thirty people, six rows of five people each. Zuo Luohuan stood at the far right of the third row, and Ji Yuezhi stood on the left of the second row.

"Get ready to start," He Yue said.The first row of five people stepped forward, knelt down and set up their sniper rifles, quickly lying down and adjusting their sights.

He Yue stood on the side and suddenly shouted, "Fire!"

One of the five people didn't react, but the others fired ten bullets within a few minutes.

He Yue looked down at the hit rate of these five people on her light brain. The person who fired had a quick reaction, but their accuracy was almost non-existent, with some even missing completely.

"Next person, continue."

The second row stepped forward and fired ten bullets, with the back row taking their place. After one round, He Yue announced the hit rate of everyone on the light brain.

It was basically equivalent to a complete defeat, with only Zuo Luohuan having the highest hit rate, hitting six out of ten shots with 50 points, followed by Ji Yue with five out of ten shots and 50 points.

He Yue glanced at Ji Yue and asked, "Do you have OCD?" He missed the first shot, but hit 10 points on the second shot, and continued in this order for the remaining eight shots.

Zuo Luohuan heard this and, for some reason, thought of Ji Yue's cold demeanor from the past. For a moment, she ignored the discomfort in her mind and smiled inexplicably.

Ji Yue was a strange person. Sometimes, she felt that he was proud and aloof, inheriting Ji Xiu's calculating and deep personality, but occasionally she had the illusion that he was pure and innocent.

The Soft and Cute Omega Male (ChatGPT translation)Where stories live. Discover now