"What are you all doing here?" Ji Yue, who had been in the differentiation period for a while and hadn't come to the Discipline Office, came over to take a look today and found the staff gathered together.

When everyone saw Ji Yue, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and told him about the situation in a few words.

Ji Yue frowned and said, "I'll go with them."After listening, Ji Yuezhi remained calm and said in a low voice, "I'll take people to have a look."

The people who went with him all injected themselves with suppressants, and the more cautious ones also applied anti-overflow patches to the back of their necks to prevent any accidents. If their own pheromones were not under control and caused a second disturbance, they would be prepared. They followed Ji Yuezhi all the way there.

There were too many informants, and the Discipline Department had forwarded all the information to Ji Yuezhi. He could almost see Luo Huan's real-time location at any time.


Luo Huan did not return to her dormitory. The after-effects of her headache swept over her again, and she could only find a secluded corner to lean against.

Because she was in a remote location and there were no informants, and she wasn't returning to her dormitory, the Discipline Department was a little anxious, thinking that something might happen.

"The pheromones were caused by attending class," Ji Yuezhi turned his head and said to the anxious person next to him, "Her first class today was with Instructor Kang Guang."

Instructor Kang Guang was notorious for being ruthless.

The person next to him was still thinking about what class Instructor Kang Guang had taught today that caused Luo Huan's entire body to emit Omega pheromones, and didn't notice why Ji Yuezhi knew so clearly about Luo Huan's schedule.

When everyone arrived at the location where Luo Huan appeared, they stopped. It was a long staircase, with tall grass on both sides. Going down the stairs led to another teaching building. To the left was a park for students to rest and walk, and to the right was the direction of the dormitory buildings."Split up into pairs and search separately." Ji Yuezhi instructed them to split up and search.

There were a total of nine people from the disciplinary department, but after splitting up into pairs, he was the only one left.

Ji Yuezhi stood still for a moment, and could still smell a faint scent of Omega pheromones in the air, indicating how strong the pheromones on Zuo Luohuan's body were.

Although he knew that Zuo Luohuan had only gotten the pheromones because of class, standing here and smelling the scent made him think about how much pheromones she must have on her body and how she might have lost control and not returned to her dormitory in time.

Ji Yuezhi looked down at the stairs, his lips pursed into a straight line. Was she really so lacking in self-control?

Everyone who came had taken suppressants, which instantly lowered their sensitivity to pheromones, so they couldn't smell the faint Omega pheromones in the air.

Ji Yuezhi had not taken suppressants. He walked down the stairs and followed the scent of the pheromones towards the left side of the park, in the direction of the bamboo grove.

The bamboo grove was designed by a famous designer for the school's centennial celebration, with bamboo forests and rockeries with flowing water. The deeper Ji Yuezhi went, the stronger the pheromones became, until he finally stopped in front of a two-meter-high rockery.

He didn't approach, but instead stood in front of the rockery for a while before throwing a small box over and coldly saying to the person behind him, "Suppressant."

Zuo Luohuan, who was sitting behind the rockery, had an unusually pale face. She had heard Ji Yuezhi's footsteps when he came over, but didn't move. Now, she looked at the box that had rolled to her feet for a long time before extinguishing the cigarette between her fingers on the ground.

Zuo Luohuan tilted her head back and exhaled the last puff of smoke, reaching for the suppressant and walking out from behind the rockery. She met Ji Yuezhi's eyes and casually laughed, "I don't need the suppressant for now."

There was no uncontrollable Alpha pheromone emanating from her, only a mixture of other people's pheromones, the most pungent of which was an Omega's musky scent.

Ji Yuezhi's tense back finally relaxed as he looked at Zuo Luohuan and said, "Several students at school reported that you were wandering around with Omega pheromones. They hope you can go back and clean up soon."

Seeing that Zuo Luohuan seemed indifferent, he added, "It's very unpleasant."

Zuo Luohuan threw the cigarette butt into the nearby trash can in front of Ji Yuezhi, not caring about the deduction of points. She walked straight towards him until their faces were almost touching. She raised her eyebrows and looked surprised, "I didn't know that Omegas also reject the pheromones of their own kind."

The pain in her head had not diminished much, and Zuo Luohuan's mind was not so clear. After saying this, she regretted it a bit: the other person had just differentiated from an Alpha, and the word "you Omegas" sounded like discrimination.

Ji Yuezhi was not angry after hearing this, he just took a step back and maintained his usual calm and indifference, asking, "Are you hiding here to secretly smell the Omega pheromones on yourself?"

Her face was pale, with no pheromones emanating from her body, and she did not show any symptoms of Omega pheromones.

Zuo Luohuan bent down slightly and leaned in close to Ji Yuezhi, whispering in his ear, "I don't like the Omega pheromones on my body."

It was just a simple statement, but the two of them were almost pressed together, appearing particularly intimate.

Especially in the next moment, Zuo Luohuan raised her eyes and looked at Ji Yuezhi, who was close at hand, and asked with a light laugh, "Ji classmate, what should we do? You have also been infected with the scent on me."

He knew what she meant. This musk pheromone was particularly strong, and being close to each other would inevitably result in some contamination. However, when spoken softly by the person in front of him, it carried a hint of ambiguous intimacy.

Ji Yuezhi pressed his fingertips hard into his palm to keep himself calm. He disguised it well, and his pitch-black eyes met Zuo Luohuan's calmly. "The person who was reported is you."

Zuo Luohuan finally pulled away from him, not going too far, and politely smiled, "I'll go back and clean up now." With that, she walked past Ji Yuezhi towards the direction of the dormitory.

Ji Yuezhi stood still, lowered his head to signal the disciplinary officers to stop searching, and then turned to look at the trash can. Inside were the cigarette butts that Zuo Luohuan had thrown away not long ago.

A year ago, Zuo Luohuan had never touched a cigarette. This semester, he had already seen her smoking for the second time.

Thinking of Zuo Luohuan's expression just now, Ji Yuezhi couldn't help but wonder what had happened to her last year.


On the way back, Ji Yuezhi caught a faint whiff of the musk pheromone on himself. Thinking of Zuo Luohuan's words about being infected with the scent, the unpleasant feeling in his heart inexplicably became more complicated, and his ears couldn't help but feel a little hot.

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