"I think I'm adult enough to figure out whether my food intake will satisfy my appetite or not?" She plasters a sweet smile on her face.

I nod curtly. "Whatever suits you. I'll have a chicken biryani, and salad."

The waiter retreats with a polite bow.

"When out in public, can you regard me with little respect?"

She furrows her brows. "What do you mean?"

"When I ask something, answer me."

"I believe I did exactly that."

"No, you were sarcastic." I remind her.

She breathes out through her mouth. "You're being so sensitive. Leave me alone and sulk alone." Fishing out her phone from the purse, she proceeds to blatantly ignore me.

We don't speak a word to each other for the time we finish our dinner. The drive to the farmhouse is quiet. I start paying her attention after she falls asleep in the car. Reclining the seat back so she's comfortable, I turn the AC of her side off and reduce the media volume.

Everytime I glance at her, the damned street lights spill across her face, and under the dull orange glow, she looks magnificent.

It takes me so much power to not give into the capricious, illicit thoughts controlling my head. If she ever gets a hint of what goes into my head half the time she's around, yeah, she'll have another reason to justify why she wants to leave me. I'm no less than an animal when it comes to my sexual urges towards her. I want her in the most raw, brutal, savage way possible.

She opens her eyes and I snap my gaze ahead.

"Are we there yet?" She slurs softly.

"No, forty minutes more."

I'm lying. Maybe twenty five minutes more. I'm taking the longer route to prolong this drive. I like driving. And I absolutely love driving when she's on the front seat with me. I just discovered that.

She smacks her lips together in disappointment. "Wake me up when we're there. I am sleeping."

"Sure, I'll let you know." I murmur.

I don't let her know. I don't see the point of waking a peacefully sleeping person. Ask me how precious sleep is. It's the people who can't sleep know the value of sleep. So I've a very valid reason to scoop her in my arms and carry her inside the farmhouse.

The caretaker of the house comes rushing out of the kitchen when I enter the living room.

"Sahib, welcome." He bows a perfect right angle.

I nod back. "Our luggage is in the boot of the car. Ask someone to send it my room. Excuse me." He shuffles away, and I notice the hint of a smile on his lips as he watches me carry my wife upstairs to my bedroom. I look down at her, my own smile broadening and I lift her head a little to press a kiss on her forehead. "Thought you were a light sleeper?" I jerk her playfully. She stirs and buries her face in the crook of my neck. I shake my head in amusement.

Carefully, I lower her on the bed. She rolls down my arms and towards left of the bed, grabbing a random pillow to bury her face in, drifting back to sleep on her stomach.

Redemption of Royals (Royal #1: Book 3) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now