yes, I'm blaming you and you know I can't fake it, now or never.

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,,I'm going out for a walk." Wonyoung said before stepping out of the house, while putting her hands on her pocket. She has been feeling down lately even though she was finally together with her childhood crush.. Wonyoung didn't understand why she was feeling like something was missing. Deciding to take a break from those thoughts she thought about getting a fresh air.

The negative thoughts and dreams Wonyoung has been having lately were really...vivid and she had a bad feeling it would all happen one day, her heart would ache every time she wakes up from this dream. It was all the same dream- scratch that.. nightmare about Sunghoon making a bet out of her that she'd fall inlove with him, ending up being abandoned, then waking up with her heart aching really bad.

Wonyoung had tried asking her older sister, Jennie- about it. Well, the older did give Wonyoung a proper advice, it was just that- she was too scared to take it. Jennie's advice; search it up online. The younger was afraid that when she did she'd know the truth. Wonyoung was afraid of knowing the sad cruel truth, she took too much of it to the point it built a trauma inside of her.

Sigh. ,,Are you feeling sad?" Wonyoung heard a small voice, it sounded like a little girl, Kim looked down and saw the same girl she and Jungwon ran away from. It was the little ghost... Wonyoung screamed and ran so fast she felt like she was flying. Wonyoung didn't even look where she was going, she just kept running- then felt her head hit something, Ow... She finally looked at the front.. It was Jiwon? What was she doing here?

,,I'm so sorry i didn't mean to.." Wonyoung saw the girl walking towards them with a creepy smile, her eyes were wide and her hair was all messy now, Wonyoung jumped on Jiwons back ,,Run theres a ghost!" she screamed, the latters eyes widened and ran away as fast as she can  both running away from away from the little child. Jiwon was mad fast, she was faster than the speed of light, it felt like they were both flying. Jiwon went wherever her foot took her.

One as well as the other, they ended up inside a small coffee shop. Jiwon and Wonyoung were all panting heavily- they looked for the nearest table and sat there all exhausted, Jiwons legs were shaking from running so much, meanwhile Wonyoung felt like throwing up, rushing through the counter and asking for the bathroom....



,,So you live in this neighborhood now?" Wonyoung asked, while Jiwon nodded, ,,Yeah, I moved here because I'm trying to escape from my parents who wants to control my so called 'life'." she said bluntly taking a sip of her coffee. ,,Ah.. I see, don't you have any siblings?" she asked. The latter shook his head ,,No. That's why I'm always alone in the house. My parents are always at work and it was always the maids that took care of me. Everytime I would try playing with the maids my parents would fire them saying I shouldn't be friends with low class. They wouldn't let me go to school too and home schooled me. So I never had any friends except for Sunghoon.. He was my neighbor so I would play with him with any chance I get." Kim felt bad for Jiwon, guilty taking over her jealousness. I mean who wouldn't right?  ,

,,So i suggest we should be friends and show me around here in this area."  Jiwon smiles and reaches her hand out for a hand shake.


,,I was supposed to be mad at Sunghoon but i dont know if i can still stay mad at him. He's been trying to get me back for the past couple of days. He's also been pouty too.." Wonyoung sighed complaining to her twin brother who was peacefully reading his book. He lowered it before looking at Wonyoung, ,,Go complain somewhere else please.. I'm tired of your complaining, Taehyung might want to hear it..." he said with a hint of annoyance on his face clearly just wanting to finish his book.

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