kiss me more.

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You definitely messed up" Yuna reminded her, but Wonyoung just rolled her eyes, „Way to point out the obvious, Yuna.." she mumbles gritting her teeth in frustration.

„Aghh! That was so embarrassing!" Wonyoung complaints sinking down on her light green soft comforter that she was sitting on, making her sank down the floor, „Yuna... Yujin... What do I do??" she whines while the olders shrugged, „Maybe you should just wait til Karina arrives?" Yujin suggested.

Though the younger couldn't wait for a few more bits, „But.. I need help right now! I don't know what to do!!!" she whines as the two looked at her in disbelief, „What- It's not like you're meeting him right now? I'll call Karina." Yuna insisted completely tired of her whining.

She dialled Karinas number, she called her over and over again, she really did.

Thought there was no answer..


Her class finally ended, as she sighed in relief packing her stuff completely taking her time as she stretched her arms out. She stretched out so good— well.. too... good, that she let out a soft moan earning everyones attention.

;-What i meant by everyone, i meant Heeseung, and only Heeseung-

Karina realised what she did covering her mouth as she looked at Heeseung who was giggling at her- well not exactly at her, she was trying not to look at her, though since there was only the two of them on the room, it was easy for her to understand, the cause of Heeseungs giggles was her.

Staring at the laughing Heeseung in disbelief. As she was staring at him, she slowly got mesmerised by his looks , seeing his side profile, his heart shaped lips carved into a smile exposing his pretty white teeth, Further more, knowing she was behind with that smile, sended butterflies through her stomach completely lost on her own world.

Coming back to reality, she snapped out of the pretty day dream of hers looking back to what she was doing, What the hell— she thought to herself, forcing herself to continue packing her stuff.

Completely trying to ignore his presence as if he wasn't there, she rushed packing her stuff as she bite her lip. Tidying up as she went to leave, she went to her hook, grabbing her white patched detailed functional backpack, she rushed down the hall completely embarrassed.

Karina!" She automatically froze on her spot as if she was some kind of programmed computer, sending orders. She knew whos voice it belonged that called her name, though what she didn't know was why she froze.

She slowly turned around with a blunt expression on her face, her eyes wide open as if she saw some kind of ghost, she went pale, though her cheeks were blushing red, feeling her sweat of nervousness flow down her head, she couldn't even speak. Seeing the one and only Lee Heeseung walking towards her.

You were the girl who gave me a tour on the first day of school, right?" Heeseung asked walking a bit closer towards her, speaking with his charming voice that somehow slowly calmed her down, yet she was still nervous.

However, she didn't know why she was feeling that way. Regardless, she refused to believe it was her feelings that was making her like this, she believed and forced to herself that she was only feeling this way was because she felt awkward around him.

Hello??" Heeseung bended down her level a bit waving his hands through the zoning out Karina, making her come back to earth.

Ah yes... I am.. Why? Do you need anything?" she responds, smiling nervously at him. Heeseung noticed how nervous she was chuckling at her. He gently lifted her chin up so he could admire her gorgeous face,her doe eyes,heart shaped lips, Fuck, how is she real— he thoughts to himself, completely mesmerized by her looks.

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