promise i'll never leave you again, i'll take you to my loving arms.

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Sniffs... Wonyoung ran away from her problem once again, sighing disappointedly to her self as she did, looking up at the sky to see the beautiful shining starts at the night sky, and a cold breeze hitting her as she watched the stars twinkle. Wonyoungs mascara was all smudged at this point, covering her face with her palms as she reminded herself of how she practically humiliated her self back there, and kissing someone elses boyfriend. Wonyoung felt ashamed of herself.

After a little while, Wonyoung stopped crying and got up her seat, and took her heels off to walk home, she didn't know what she was thinking but she walked home, with her bare feet touching the cold ground. She instinctively knew where her house was, Wonyoung whos legs were shaking of how her feet hurts. Hiss she stopped her tracks, and swallowed the chunk on her throat, she accidentally stepped on a broken glass, completely forgetting she lived on a neighbourhood where everyone would drink really heavily, raising her foot up to look at the chirped glass stuck on her foot, it was bleeding at this point, though Wonyoungs feelings completely took over her, of how tired she was of this world and was too numb to feel any source of pain.

Wonyoung curled her foot so the chirped glass doesn't stick on her foot even more and continued walking her way, ,,Sunghoon" she heard a feminine voice, once again Wonyoung stopped walking and turned around, it was a girl.. Another girl this time, she was sobbing on Sunghoons arms, the girl had about a long straight brown hair, a sleeveless white shirt, and a jeans.

 Another girl this time, she was sobbing on Sunghoons arms, the girl had about a long straight brown hair, a sleeveless white shirt, and a jeans

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Sunghoon wrapped his arms around her as they hugged tightly, his face looked un easy. this one hurts more than the chirp on her feet. Turning back around, and completely forgetting the chirped glass she stepped on, she forgot to curl her toes to walk, Wonyoung ended up pushing the chirped glass on her feet a bit deeper, whining in pain when it did, her legs weakens. Kim felt like she was about to fall, I feel a bit sleepy... Just for a little while... her vision felt blurry, and her head felt heavy....everything surrounding her was spinning.

,,Thank goodness you're alive!" was the first thing Wonyoung heard, it was her sisters voice Jennie, and her two other sibling behind her, and looked around, she was at their living room couch ,,What have you been thinking— stepping on a chirped glass?!" Taehyung calmly lectured her, lightly raising his voice. While Jennie was treating her foot, whilst there was Jungwon, who stared at her twins sister, without saying anything, who felt sorry for her and knew everything she was going through— more way than Jennie knows.

..After some time, Wonyoung asked to rest and went to her room, flopping herself on her bed, then she heard a knock. The door opened revealing Jungwon. Who sat on on her vanity tables chair, while looking at her while eating ice cream, an unopened one on his hand— there were two unopened ones on his hand. Jungwon handed her two of the ice cream packed onces while Wonyoung took one of them, knowing the other one was for himself later. She sat down the bed unwrapping her ice cream wrapper off before eating it... Jungwon didn't say anything for a little bit until he finished his first ice cream, then opening the second one.

I dont do drugs.| Jangkku🍒Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt