Chapter 17 - Anxieties

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Kayla: Didn't that place get found by the protogen though?

Doctor: Well, this is an even bigger one. Housing thousands of people.

Kayla: How long was I out?

Doctor: Two weeks.

Kayla: Why would you keep me unconscious for two weeks!?

Doctor: Some of our great fighters were severely injured. So, we used you for small blood donations.

Kayla: H-Hey! You can't do that without my permission!

Doctor: Don't move to much, you'll get dizzy. Anyway, here's your room key. Get some rest.

Kayla: Okay...

I walk out of the room, with my key-HANG ON.

Kayla: Wait! Where are we!?

Doctor: Somewhere.

Kayla: So you won't tell me!? Where are my friends, asshole!?

Doctor: I already gave them all their room key. In have no clue where they are.

Wha...!? The door closed! Damn...what the hell...!? Is a building!? There are only hallways... Well, I'll meet up with everyone in the morning. It's really dark right now.

*1 hour later*

Some directions would've been nice. Oh, my head was so woozy I couldn't think of any questions to ask...but now I have a bajillion of them! Well, I just hope this isn't a trap.

I entered the room, had a bed, a desk, and that was pretty much it.

Kayla: *sigh*

This is getting stranger and stranger. Well, with aliens killing everyone, this shouldn't surprise me. Let me review...I was knocked out, a doctor took my blood, and now I'm laying on an uncomfortable bed.

Where are my friends...!? What of they lied and they're all dead!? What if they steal my blood again!?

Please, don't kill my in my sleep...I really don't want any more of this.

Matthew P.O.V.

Matthew: Wh-Where am I? Hello!? Is anyone there!?

Mom: ...Honey...

Matthew: MOM! Mom, I can't believe it's you, I-

Mom: Why did you leave me...?

Matthew: ...w...wha...t...?

Mom: I'm all didn't come find me when they invaded Earth...

Matthew: Mom! I couldn't, I got captured!

Mom: You disappointed I'm gone because of you...

Mom's face began to melt. Tou saw her flesh, her eyes more unhinged.

Matthew: No...NO! I'M SORRY! I JUST...I just...

Mom?: i Am DeAd BeCaUsE oF yOu~


???: .........e............


???: ...a...k......u...!

Matthew: What...was that voice...?

??????: W......e......up...

Matthew: It sounds like...

Zircon: Wake up!

Matthew: AH! 

You fell to the ground. It hurt.

Zircon: Sweetie, what happened? You looked so peaceful, then you started to shake and cry...

Matthew: *sniff* ...I... *sob*

Zircon: Did you have a bad dream, honey...?


Zircon: ...!

Matthew: Stop it...just stop...I want to go home...stop it...

Zircon: ...Hey.

You felt him scoop you in his arms. He then cradles you like a baby.

Zircon: Shhh...don't cry...

Matthew: Let me go...please...

Zircon: need some space...

Matthew: ...h...uh...?

Zircon: I'll work an extra shift right now. That'll give you enough time to compose yourself.

...You don't know what to feel. You've always complied and tried to find comfort because you were scared of him...but...why is he being so gentle...?

He wipes your tears away with his claws

Zircon: There we go...that's a good boy...

After one head pat, he walks away, smiling at you on the way out.

Matthew: ...

What...should you be feeling right now...?

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