"You couldn't buy it, so I had to take matters into my own hands. Someone actually almost got it, but I managed to snatch it at the right time."

Jungkook frowns.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asks hesitantly.

"I managed to get my hands on this restaurant, I bought it." Yoongi announces, an excited Jimin jumping on his tippy toes.

"Just tell them already, oh my God!" Jimin scowls, frustrated. "Jungkook, half of this restaurant is yours!"

Jungkook gapes, watching both his hyungs as if they have lost their minds. Yoongi groans, complaining about how Jimin ruined it and how he wanted to be the one to announce it while Jungkook and Taehyung stand frozen in their places.

"W-what do you mean that half of it is mine?" The alpha asks, a confused look on his face.

"I'm sorry, the paperwork took a while, bub. I bought this and wrote half of it under your name. You're now the co-owner of this restaurant." Yoongi grins widely as the younger gasps.

Taehyung lets out an excited shriek, holding onto Jimin as he shakes in excitement.

Jungkook’s eyes brim with tears as he looks at Yoongi, whose smile softened, taking a step closer to the younger.

"I can't possibly—"

"I know. Consider it as a little investment in you."

"An investment?"

Yoongi hums. "Yes, an investment.  I'm giving you this opportunity and trusting you to build this place from the ground up. Keep working until you pay me back and buy my own share. Can you promise to do that?"

Jungkook lets his tears fall before leaping into the older's arms.

"Thank you so much, hyung. Thank you." Jungkook cries. Yoongi rubs his back in a circular motion and then rests a hand on top of his head— ruffling his hair.

"Don’t thank me, kid. Only work hard." He encourages.


Jungkook paces back and forth, feeling the velvety box in his pocket.

His hands were sweating, and if he wasn't wearing black, he's sure his back would be wet with sweat as well.

He feels nervous, too nervous to even sit still.

Taehyung is currently resting in his room, wrapped up in the alpha's clothes— nesting.

Taehyung is nine months pregnant and could give birth anytime now. He started to heavily nest most of the time, which meant that his delivery was very near.
He paces for a few more minutes before swallowing and then turns to stare at the bedroom's door, knowing Taehyung is inside.

The alpha takes slow steps towards the door— every single voice in his head telling him to back out.

He didn't want to back out.

He knows what he wants, and that is Taehyung.

He takes that as his motivation to step forward and knock on the door gently. He goes in when he hears a faint "come in." From behind the door.

The alpha watches him nuzzle into his clothes, curling into himself to protect the pups.

The alpha smiles softly at the sight.

He kneels beside the bed, reaching to take Taehyung’s hand in his.

The omega watches him with big curious eyes as he takes the velvety box out of his pocket.

The omega gasps.

Jungkook holds out the box towards him, lowering his head.

"I know that I did a lot of things that hurt you. I made you go to that clinic to stop our baby from growing any further alone. I kept pestering you about it, and I was far from a good partner that you wanted. Needed. We went months without seeing each other because I was too stubborn to even notice that I was hurting you too in the storm of my anger, self-doubt, and self loathe. I didn't believe I could be a good father when I never had one myself."

"Jungkook—" The omega reaches to caress his jaw.

"Let me finish, please." Jungkooks pleads, his eyes overflowing with tears. Taehyung frowns.

"I was scared, I am still scared. Fuck, I'm terrified. But I thought about it so much and Tae, I simply cannot go on without you."

"I can't do it. The thought of it terrifies me. I didn't treat you right and I'm so sorry, Tae. I'm very sorry. I'm sincerely sorry. I know that you deserve better, you can do so much better than someone like me—" Taehyung shakes his head. "But I'm so selfish. I want you. I want our pups and I want the family we created together. I realised, hopefully not late, that I can't give up our family, pup. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me and do me the honour of," he pushes the diamond ring towards the latter "marrying me."
Taehyung lets out a strangled breath due to his tears before letting his tears flow while he nods his head repeatedly.

"I forgive you, baby. You were forgiven the moment you left those meals for me to eat. Your subtle ways of taking care of me. I forgave you. I love you."

Jungkook smiles, sliding the ring onto the omegas ring finger before pulling him into a heated kiss— kissing him breathless.

"I love you so much." Jungkook replies into the kiss, both of them smiling against each other's lips before Taehyung tensed. A look of horror on his face.

"Fuck! My water broke!" Taehyung screams, getting of his nest and the alpha’s lips part as he sees the soaked bed and clothes.

"Don’t just sit there and stare! Let's go to the hospital!"


Taehyung lets out an ear piercing scream, squeezing the alpha's hand in his own and he pushes.

The alpha keeps whispering words of comfort into his ear, hoping it would ease or distract the omega from the pain but he only screams louder.

They both freeze when they hear the second cry of the day.

Relief washes over the alpha when he sees the nurses handling both of his babies, cleaning them and wrapping them in blankets.

The babies cry together in sync as Jungkook slumps and Taehyung’s eyes flutter close, tired.

"Congratulations, you two, you have two beautiful and healthy little boy alphas." The doctor announces, causing a lazy smile to rise on the omega’s lips while the alpha chuckles, pressing his lips to his husband's cheek softly.

The nurses approach them with the pups, placing them into their arms gently.

Taehyung lets out a small giggle when he sees his little pups, his heart beating loudly in his chest.

"Aren't they perfect?" Taehyung whispers, enchanted.

It goes unheard by Jungkook who keeps staring at both pups lovingly, leaning in and smothering their little faces in the most gentle kisses.

"Appa is here. For you." Jungkook whispers, rubbing the bridge of his nose against the little pup's cheek.

Taehyung smiles.

The omega reaches for his husband, holding his hand in his own— lacing their fingers together.

"We'll be okay." Taehyung reassures.

"We'll be more than okay." Jungkook replies, pulling their jointed hands to his mouth to press a kiss on his ring.

"I love you."


The End

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