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Jungkook rushes out of his car, slamming the door shut before he marches up to the model’s front door in a hurry. The closer he walks towards the house, the louder the screams are. He didn’t know what to think of the phone call or why she was crying, and it felt like something was wrong.

Before he can press the doorbell, the door is pushed open, and a teary-eyed Yeji opens the door. He can hear it now, the screams clear.

"Yejissi-" the omega tugs on his wrist before he could continue, pulling him in and closing the front door.

Both of them hear another crash of something breaking. Jungkook flinches, his heart dropping to his feet. The omega drags the alpha up to her room before closing the door and leaning back against it— pressing both of her hands against her ears to block the noise.

Jungkook stands in the middle of her room, unmoving, the somewhat familiar sounds of yelling, cursing and things breaking, causing the alpha’s heartbeat to pick up. He flinches back when he hears a man yell louder— the sound of hitting something, or instead,/someone/ getting louder.

The alpha curls his hands into a fist when he feels them shaking, his eyes stinging painfully as he tries to hold back. His irises move to find the omega, who lurches forward and throws herself at him— sobbing and hiding her frame against his larger one. She presses closer, blocking one ear against his chest and the other ear blocked by her own hand.

The ravennette wraps an arm around her, resting a hand over her ear. Jungkook feels his chest tighten, squeezing his eyes shut when he hears the screams of pain— pulling the omega closer to protect her from the unbearable noises.

His chest heaves with irregular breaths, his tears betraying him and running down his cheeks.

It feels the same as it did when he was a child. He feels the familiar fear coursing through his chest. He feels the familiar burning sting in his eyes; the same as when he tried to hold back his tears— tried not to cry. 

He stands there, with an omega who is trying to hide from the hell breaking loose around her in his arms and imagines her as his seven-year-old self.

He imagines holding his younger self, and he immediately wraps both of his arms around the omega to provide her with something he yearned for as a child every time his parents started fighting the same— protection.

He always felt unsafe in the coldness of his own home; he never felt like he could sleep the night without a thought in his head. He wanted someone to hug him during nights like those and reassure him that he would be fine— that he was protected.

Jungkook stands there for a while— holding the omega close until the noises die, and the last thing both hear is the front door slamming shut. They flinch at the harsh sound before silence engulfs them.

Yeji holds on tight for a moment until she hears the alpha sniffle. She pulls away slowly with a frown, looking up at the alpha whose arms fall from around her.

The first thing she notices is how red his nose and cheeks are. Her breath catches up in her throat when she sees the silent tears running down the alpha’s face. She cups his cheek gently, raising his face to meet their equally tear-stained eyes.

“Jungkook?” She calls softly, her voice hoarse.

He looks away, his jaw hardening. He wipes his eyes with both hands, taking a step back.

“I’m sorry. Are you alright?” He asks instead, his hands trembling by his sides.

She reaches for his hand, holding it with a concerned look.

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