What is he talking about?

"Mr Graham, what are you talking about a coma? Ryan said she made his life hell with the lies she spread about him" was everything she said true.

"So, he got to you to, make you think he was the victim huh? he's very good at manipulating people. He's scarred her mentally and physically now he's found her again I'm not sure she will survive this time" he voice broke at the end.

"Thank you for your time Mr Levy I need to go inform the police as to what is going on" the line cut off as I stared at Ben.

He heard the whole conversation and guilt is swirling in his eyes, I start pacing I don't know what to do. She wasn't lying I let her go off with someone who nearly killed her before. I believed him over her, I said terrible things I saw her heart break when I said them and I still didn't believe her.

I don't know what to do, I look over to Ben for guidance, I can see he's started pacing as well but he's on the phone.

"Riley, I don't care what I said or did do you know where Mia has gone?" he was agitated I could see it he needed to do something to ease his guilt.

I can't have anything happen to her, I love her I never got around to telling her but I really did, I loved that she took Cooper on as her own, Cooper loved her too and I ripped them apart because of my stupidity. I don't know what to do my fist collides with the wall as a tear escapes my eye. Ben pulls me away from the wall whilst still talking on the phone.

"What about where Ryan is do you know where he lives he's been here for a while surely he has a place?" he shouted at her.

"I'm sorry Riles I know it's not your fault come to the office please we need to find her" he ends the call looking at me.

"Riley's coming" I nod.

"Do you know where Ryan lives?" He asks he like Ryan was my best friend.

"No obviously I don't know otherwise I'd be there now not stood here" I snap.

Thinking back to Ryan and Mia, "Wait ... I think I know someone who can find out". I call a friend of mine to do some digging he never takes too long because I pay him to be quick.

Giving him the information, he said it shouldn't take long and to wait by the phone. Whilst we were waiting Riley storms in.

"I told you, she even told you and you didn't listen. Now we don't know where she is" She was shouting but tears spilled down her face.

Ben hugged her as she broke down whispering sorry in her ear.

My mobile pinged but Ben and Riles were too distracted, looking at the message it was an address. I didn't want them getting too involved in this mess so I mumble that I'm going for a walk.

After I left my office I make my way down to my car putting the address into the GPS, I don't know what I'm going to do when I get there but I call my buddy who has connections to the cops the address with a brief message hopefully he gets it.

The GPS is saying it will take 25 minutes to get there but I'm pretty much breaking every speed limit going so I'm sure I'll make it in no time.

I pull the car up outside a nice house, it's in a very quiet town from the outside it looks like nobody is in.

Taking a deep breath, I step out of the car and make my way to the door.

I hear Mia inside scream and I don't hesitate walking straight in.

Mia is curled up on the kitchen floor her face is beaten and she bleeding a lot. Ryan turns around at the sound of the door opening.

"Oh, look Mia your boyfriend has come to save you, looks like you're a little too late though Theo" he had the audacity to laugh. " I can't believe you actually believed me, did you really think that could do anything to me. I control her she is mine" before I know it my fist is flying into his face.

He stumbles back before punching me back, my concentration falters when I hear Mia whimper, my head swings towards her beaten body she looks up before whispering "Watch out".

The moment distracts me I don't realise Ryan is throwing another punch knocking me down, he continues his assault until I regain control and he's now under me whilst I take out all my anger on him.

"Theo" my head whips around to Mia she's in a bad way I turn away from her temporarily and call an ambulance, whilst I'm on the phone I hear shuffling behind me as I turn around I see Mia stood up she can barely move her leg looks messed up and she has blood all over her, before I can comprehend what is happening she steps in front of me and cries out. I look into her big blue eyes which are filled with tears. I'm holding her up as she says "I promised I'd keep you safe".

As she said this I was confused, her eyes seem to roll to the back of her head, as the cop's storm into the house.

"Put the knife down" one of the cops shouted

What are they talking about knife? I drop to the floor with Mia in my arms, it wasn't until I looked a Ryan to see him holding a bloody knife.

He was looking between the knife and Mia. My hand is covered in blood as I realise she stepped in front of me for a reason.

"Mia, Peaches wake up. Peach open your eyes please" I plead with her.

She's in my arms as I'm putting pressure on the stab wound. Her eyes fluttered.

Chaos was going on around us but I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Excuse me we need you to let her go so we can treat her" a woman said to me.

Looking up I see a paramedic. "Please save her" I said as the paramedics started working on her.

I watch as she taken away in the ambulance, they wouldn't let me go with her as the police had questions. I messaged Ben the address and both Ben and Riley turned up in no time.

Ryan had already been taken by the police but they were still asking me questions.

"I need to go see Mia please" I ask the officers.

I get a sympathetic look when the female officer answers me "Sure we will take you to the hospital we do need to contact her next of kin, do you have their contact details?"

I nod "I don't have them on me but I will get them for you".

We all get in the car and make it to the hospital.

"Where is Mia Graham?" I ask the receptionist.

She points to ICU as we all walk in. The doctor comes out and says we have to wait as they are still working on her.

Ben had already contacted Hannah to pass over Mia parents details to the cops and we are sat awaiting any updates.

Surviving LoveOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara