"Please don't get my hopes up, don't let me dream of a life that you’re not sure of yet."

Jungkook smiles.

"Alright, I won’t say anything. Will you allow me to show you, instead?  Are you willing to let me try? To be here for you from now on?"

Taehyung looks at him with big eyes. Big and hopeful eyes. Even if he just told the latter to not let him hope, he still stupidly hopes.

He nods.

Jungkook leans in to kiss his forehead one more time, tugging on his wrist.

"C’mon, your pancakes must be soggy by now."

The alpha sits across from the omega as he dives into his pancakes, a cup of coffee in his hand.

He knows he's late, he should've been at Yeji's house thirty minutes ago.

He decided that it is okay to be late once. For Taehyung. It is okay.

He watches as the omega brings the glass of strawberry juice to his lips, closes his eyes in anticipation then his whole body relaxes when the flavour bursts in his mouth. Jungkook smiles.

Taehyung hums in delight, looking up from his food every bite or so to steal glances at the alpha sitting across from him, keeping him company as he eats.

Jungkook’s phone rings and the alpha picks up, already knowing who it is.

"Hello, Yejiss— Jihyo?"

"You are late. Can you please come over quick? Yeji refuses to eat anything without you here."

He hears Jihyo let out an annoyed sigh.


"I have no idea. We all have work to do, Jungkook. Make it quick." The alpha woman snaps, hanging up.

Jungkook looks at Taehyung who has a small smile on his lips that doesn't reach his eyes. He is scared.

The alpha gets up and walks over to him, embracing him in his arms.

"I'll be back tonight, yeah? I'll try to come back a little earlier. Let's have dinner together." Jungkook speaks gently into the latter's ear in hushed whispers as he nuzzles his nose against his neck, right on his scent gland.

His nose is soon replaced with his tongue as licks a stripe onto the omega's skin, letting his pheromones get soaked in.

Taehyung lets out a ragged breath, tilting his head to grant the alpha access— wild butterflies fluttering in his stomach and heart.

Taehyung nods.

"What do you feel like eating for dinner? I'll cook it for you."

Taehyung smiles, a light shade of pink dusting his cheeks as he holds onto the alpha for dear life—craving more contact than that. A result of being deprived of touch for almost six months.


"Of course." Jungkook chuckles, his nose scrunching at how adorable the omega is.

He lets Taehyung inch forward to scent him as well, his hands roaming the alpha subtly to claim him as his own alpha. He wanted the alpha to leave stinking of him, and Jungkook let him.

Once Taehyung scented him to his satisfaction, the alpha spoke up.

"Do you know why I quit my job?" Jungkook asks, cupping the omega's face so gently.

"Because the salary did not satisfy you?"

"Because my salary couldn't take care of all three of us."

Jungkook answers in a low voice, as if telling a secret. As if he had to deliver the information slowly.

Taehyung's breath hitched, his eyes widening as he looks at the alpha properly— frozen.

"All– all three of us?"

"Yes, love. You, me, and our pup."

Taehyung swallows harshly, staring at the alpha like he had two heads. He chuckles.

"I know that I didn’t want this. I know that I tried to stop this from getting to this point but we are here now. I'll be here from now on, Tae. For the both of you."

“Yes, I never planned on having a family any time soon, I never thought we would get pregnant. I made sure we were protected every time. However, we are pregnant now and it is my responsibility to step up and be there. I love you, Tae. I can’t possibly leave you behind. I know you told me to leave but I can’t. I just-”

The omega averts his eyes, lowering his gaze.

“If your love is a type of obligation because I’m pregnant with your child, it is not love. If it is out of guilt that you want to stay then—”

The words get caught up in his throat when the alpha slots their lips together, pressing the omega closer to him. Taehyung willingly melts into his arms, their lips moving in sync as a single tear escapes his eye— fisting the front of the alpha’s shirt in his hands.

“My love for you is not an obligation.” The alpha whispers against his lips when they pull away, eyes fixed on the latter’s lips. “It is not out of guilt. I fell in love with you the moment I laid my eyes on you. I fell in love with you more when we couldn’t stay away from each other. When we moved in together. I fell harder when we started living each day together and witnessing each other’s perfect imperfections. You gave me the chance to leave, and I could’ve taken it. I gave it a thought.” He lets out a breath.

“I couldn’t walk away. I know, it might seem like it is my guilt. I tried to convince myself of the same thing. It is not the truth, pup. It is not. You,” he cups the omega’s jaw gently, pressing his lips to the corner of the latter’s mouth. “Are what I want. I can keep denying it repeatedly, but I can’t imagine a future that does not include you in it. If you come with a pup that is also mine, I have concluded that I do not mind it too much. Loving my pup properly…I will learn it with time. I will. Until then, I’ll be the father figure that they need. I do not want them to grow up with someone other than me because even though I’m scared, they’re mine.”

Taehyung cries then, resting his forehead on the alpha’s as sobs break out of his chest. He squeezes his eyes shut and wraps his arms around the alpha’s neck, crying into his arms as Jungkook engulfs him with his body. He smiles softly, rubbing the omega’s back.

“I’m scared shitless, Taehyung. I won’t run away, though. I will ask you to help me through my fear, will you?” Jungkook asks gently then giggles when the omega sniffles as he nods his head quickly.

“From now on, lean on me. I will be here for you. I will provide for you and our baby. Do not stress anymore. Do not overwork yourself anymore. Do not cry tears of fear anymore. Please rest, Tae. Rest assured that everything is taken care of, I will handle everything now. Leave it to me. Yeah?” The omega breathes in deeply then lets out the biggest breath escape his chest, his whole body melting against the alpha.

“I love you.” Jungkook whispers.

They stay in silence for a few minutes before the alpha speaks up, pulling away a little bit to look the omega in the eyes. “When is your next doctor appointment?”

Taehyung’s lips part in surprise before they stretch into a smal smile.

“Tomorrow morning. I have an ultrasound.”

Jungkook hums. “I’ll be there.”

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