Taehyung gives him a deadpan look before letting out a breath of frustration— muttering about how extra the alpha is.

The alpha opens the door for Taehyung to get in. He does, not without giving Jungkook the side eye.

Jungkook giggles, jogging to his side of the car.

"If it's open, you will look stupid."

"What if it's closed then? What will that be for you?"

"It won't be!"

It was.

Jungkook crosses his arms over his chest, staring ahead while Taehyung stares at the store's closed doors with a defeated look. He sinks into his seat.

"Shut up!" The omega pushes at him causing the alpha to give him an offended look.

"I didn’t say anything!"

Taehyung takes in a deep breath and shakily releases it— his eyes welling up with tears.

Jungkook stops when he sees him.

"Are you seriously crying over ice cream right now?" He pulls out his phone to check the time. "At two in the morning?"

"I'm really craving Ben and Jerry's chocolate ice cream right now, Jungkook. I won’t be able to sleep if I don't have it now." The omega sniffs and his pout intensifies.

Jungkook’s eyes soften, a smile tugging at his lips as he reaches for the man, cupping his cheek gently.

"It's okay, pup. Let's find you your ice cream, okay?"

"But the store is closed." Taehyung sniffles adorably. Jungkook reaches to rub under his eye with his thumb lovingly.

"I'll find you an open convenience store. Don't cry."

The alpha drives a while but he eventually finds an open convenience store, much to his relief.

They walk together into the store and Taehyung immediately rushes over to the ice cream section, a look of joy taking over his face once he sees the ice cream he has been craving.

Taehyung fumbles with the ice cream pint, clumsily opening it then dips his finger in to gather some of it on his hand before he wraps his lips around his finger, sucking off the sweet goodness.

The omega lets out a series of mmmh's and hmmm's as he lets the ice cream melt on his tongue.

Jungkook holds a lopsided smile on his face as he approaches the cashier and asks for two spoons, paying for the two ice creams and the utensils.

"Here, don't eat with your hand." The alpha speaks gently, handing the omega his spoon and taking an ice cream for himself. He guides him towards the seating area and pulls a chair out for him, Taehyung sits mindlessly and keeps digging into his food for more.
Jungkook takes a seat opposite from him, opening his own food and eats calmly as he watches how the omega eats in the messiest manner.

"One would think I've been starving you." The alpha teases, his eyes are fond. Taehyung sticks a tongue out at him.

He has chocolate smeared all over his lips. He reminds the alpha of kittens when they dive into their food and get their face messy with food.

The alpha leans in, wiping the chocolate off Taehyung’s lips with his thumb. Taehyung stops, looking at him with those wide eyes that drive his heart mad.

Taehyung sits frozen as the alpha keeps wiping around his mouth with his fingers.
Jungkook sucks the chocolate off his finger then looks up at the omega who watches him with big, confused eyes.

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