“I am. I feel better with you here. Are /you/ okay? Why are you crying?” She asks gently, taking a step closer to wipe under his eye, but he moves before she can.

"I'm fine. We both are. If everything is okay, I should get going." He replies shortly, steps away from her and heads to the door.

The model reaches for his hand, grabbing his wrist in a hurry.

"Are you not going to say anything?" She asks, tightening her grip.
"Are you not going to ask me about what just happened?" She speaks again, tears clouding her vision as she raises her voice with frustration. "Are you not going to acknowledge how my mom just got beaten to death just like everyone else?!" She cries, pulling onto his wrist weakly.

"Are you just going to walk out that door and come to work tomorrow knowing what I go through every day and not acknowledge it? Are you too going to do that to me?" The model screams at him, pushing at his back while he remains unmoving, frozen.

"Do you know why my manager isn't showing up to train you like they promised you? It’s because he doesn't want to acknowledge this! He keeps telling me that it's not happening, to forget about it and just do my job! How could I!" She falls down on her knees, sniffling.

"How can I just forget and pretend it's not happening—"

"You have to." The alpha replies, his voice low. Yeji looks up at his back, noticing how he is tense.

"You have to pretend like it's not happening— otherwise you won't be able to live a day of peace."

"You have to forget and move on. To pretend these cuts don't hurt in order for them to not leave a nasty scar. What will acknowledging it ever do? What will keep reliving it each and everyday do except leave deep scars you cannot remove or deal with later?"

Jungkook turns to her with bloodshot eyes, silent tears rolling out of them.

"Do not hold onto these moments, Yejissi. They'll only hurt you more."

"It's so easy for you to say. It's so easy for everyone to say! How can you say that so easily? You have no idea how much fear I go through every day, how hearing my mom's screams hurt me deep in my soul. I feel so suffocated." She lets go of his hand, looking away.

Jungkook chuckles.

"You're right. I wouldn’t know how it feels to hear those screams every night. I wouldn’t know how it feels to hear them cursing, and wishing death upon each other. I wouldn’t know how it feels like to wish that both of them were separate instead of this."

"I would not know how my father called my mother degrading names, and insulted her every night. The sounds of glass breaking and objects smashing. I would not know any of it." His voice breaks as he watches the omega stare at him with wide eyes, guilt coursing through them.

"I have lived my entire life reliving those moments, reliving how my mom died from a heart attack and how my father abandoned me soon after. I was just a child, I was only seven. I was too young to understand what was going on."

"I had just lost my mother when my father decided that he couldn’t take on my responsibility, I was only another reminder of the miserable life he led with my mother."

"He left me alone in that house. I can still feel the shivers running down my spine— sleeping and sitting in the darkness alone. I did not leave that house for three weeks— starving and surviving off the remaining food left in our fridge before my grandmother came to find me."

"I did exactly what you are doing right now. I Indulged myself in it. I let it consume me. It turned me into who I am today— a person that cannot even trust himself. Fearing I'd turn into what made me."

"Do not hate your manager too much for telling you to pretend that it is not happening. He is right.  If your hands are tied, if you cannot save your mother— if you will end up mourning for the rest of your life, let it go. Leave. Save yourself."

Jungkook swallows, closing his eyes. "I spent my life hating both of them, pointing fingers at them and blaming them for doing what they did to me. I kept blaming my mom for not leaving earlier, for not taking me with her."

The alpha inhales through his nose, looking down at her with a melancholic smile. "It is not too late for you, though. If you can, take your mother out of here. Save her before it is too late. Watching them leave hurts ten times more than leaving them."

"I did not want to be a model." Yeji looks up at him, her eyes still glistening. "I wanted to go to law school instead, I wanted to be a lawyer. My father— he forced me into this. He told me that he hated me, that I was an inconvenience. He told me to make myself useful. He wished I'd die, right in front of my face for making him miserable and for straining him financially. He told me that even if I had to—" the omega gasps for air, choking on her own tears. "I should even sell my body if it meant he would benefit from it."

Jungkook felt his chest tighten with sympathy, a frown growing on his face. He kneels before her, pulling her into his arms. She reciprocates, burying her nose into his neck— seeking comfort.

"He called me names this morning, the guards told him I was being a brat."

Jungkook chuckles.

"You were a brat, alright." He jokes lightly, rubbing her back in reassurance.

She cracks a smile.

"I'm sorry. I said a lot of inconsiderate things that I shouldn’t have."

"It is quite alright, Yejissi." He pulls away, smiling.

"I'll go now, but please know that whatever your father says, it doesn't define you. You are way more than your body." The alpha reassures softly causing the omega to nod her head silently— a blush coating her cheeks.

Jungkook leaves then, and sits in his car looking at all the clothes he got for his yet to be born pup. He smiles lightly thinking to himself that he would never put his pup through what he went through, he would not abandon them. He would not abandon Taehyung.

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