He follows behind the model, picking up the pace of her steps to keep up with her.

When the shoot ends, Yeji approaches Jungkook who stands at a far away corner completely invested in his phone.

“I’m sorry.” The omega starts, biting her bottom lip as she forces the words out. The alpha looks up for his phone and tilts his head in question at her.

“What for?”

“For my behaviour. Earlier. I’m sorry.”

A look of surprise settles on the alpha’s face as he stares back at the woman who looks like she would cry any second.

“It is quite okay, Yejissi. Are you alright?”

The omega’s lips wobble while she refrains from crumbling. She lowers her head and nods subtly. Jungkook goes to hold her shoulder but Jihyo, her makeup artist, beats him to it.

“Yeji, you have to click a picture for a sponsor, come on don’t ruin your makeup.” Jihyo wraps an arm around her shoulders and turns her around, guiding her away.

“Yejissi!” Jungkook calls suddenly, causing the two women to stop. Yeji turns her head to look at him while he smiles hesitantly.

“Your schedule for today is all done, can I go for now? I have something really urgent to do.”

The omega nods, a small smile on her lips before she turns and walks away with Jihyo.

Jungkook’s chest swells with excitement.

The alpha walks into the small shop he found online, looking around at all the baby clothes and necessities.

He inhales, nervous.

This morning before he left for work, he saw Taehyung counting his money in his room, a very delighted look on his face when he realised he finally had enough to get the crib he was saving up for. Jungkook realised then that Taehyung was already getting ready, investing in stuff the baby would need.

The only purpose of taking such a job was to be able to provide as well, take some of the weight off Taehyung’s shoulder. So Jungkook does just that. During the whole shoot, he was browsing baby shops nearby to get some necessities that would brighten up Taehyung’s day—hopefully. 

“Hello, how can I help you?”

An old lady welcomes the alpha, a warm smile adorning her lips when she realises it was an alpha in her shop, not an omega as usual.

“Hi, uh-” Jungkook hesitates, smiling sheepishly.

“Are you looking for something for your pup?” The lady asks, patiently helping the alpha out a little.

Jungkook blushes, nodding.

“They’re..they’re not here yet. My omega,” Jungkook swallows, “he’s still pregnant.”

“Oh how adorable! I’m sure the pup will be as handsome as yourself!” The alpha flushes at the compliment, the thought of his pup holding some of his features never crossing his mind before and he feels his heart skip a beat.

The lady, a beta, goes behind her counter and bends down slightly, pulling out some clothes for newborn pups. She pulls some baby bodysuits, onesies, and socks in different colours— laying them out for the alpha to choose from.

He reaches, gently touching the fabric of the bodysuits— taking in how small the piece of clothing is. The lady watches how his touch is always reluctant whenever he reaches to touch any of the things she laid out for him, she also watches how he smiles when he lets himself get comfortable with it.

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