Taehyung slowly curls his toes in the water, enjoying how soothing it is, feeling relief from his pain.

Jungkook swallows nervously when Taehyung wouldn't stop letting out noises.

The alpha shoots up when he hears the doorbell go off, murmuring, "I'll get it." Before scurrying away.

When he opens the door, it’s Namjoon and Jin.

"Where is my baby?" Jin coos, brushing past Jungkook, leaning to the side to see his boy better.

"Appa!" Minggyu squeals.

"Hi to you too, hyung." Jungkook rolls his eyes. Namjoon laughs, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you, Kook. You saved us. We really couldn't take him." Namjoon steps closer to hug the young alpha who smiles and gently pats his back.

"It's okay, hyung. Minggyu was very nice." Jungkook chuckles when the boy stumbles on his way before crashing into Jin's arms, burying his nose into the crook of his neck. Jin laughs, hoisting the boy up in his arms.

"Did you give Jungkookie a hard time, minnie?" Jin coos.

Minggyu shakes his head no, his whole face buried against his father still.

"He didn't, he is really quiet." Jungkook reassures them, a smile on his face as he reaches to pat the little boy's head.

Namjoon and Jin exchange smiles at the alpha's gesture.

"Thank you for taking care of him, Koo." Jin says with a smile, giving the alpha a side hug.

"You can go wait for me in the car, love. I'll just tell Jungkook something and be right there."

Jin nods, walking inside to exchange greetings with the pregnant omega, both of them whispering to each other and nodding their heads before Jin bids his goodbyes and walks out, Minggyu in his arms.

Namjoon turns to Jungkook, "Yoongi hyung told me you quit your job."

"I did."

"Is everything okay, Kook? I was worried when I heard." Namjoon furrows his eyebrows, squeezing his shoulders.

"It's not that worrisome. Taehyung said the same thing."

"What is it then?"

Jungkook kicks his foot, turning his head in Taehyung's direction.

He watches the omega rest his head back against the back of the couch and close his eyes caressing his bump— a newly acquired habit, he notices.

He watches him and feels his heart stutter inside of his chest, his breath coming out ragged.

"I just want to be there for him, you know?" The alpha pulls his lip piercing between his teeth, chewing on it for a moment before lowering his gaze.

"I love him, I can’t possibly just stand there and not help him. He is in that position now because of me."

"I told him so many times to put an end to it. He didn’t for his own reasons but it's now too late, he is almost six months pregnant. I got him pregnant, I can’t keep not being present. I can’t not do anything to support him."

"What changed your mind then? You were so adamant."

"I know. My mind didn't really change. It's just too late. We're past aborting the pregnancy. He's three to four months away from giving birth. He is in pain everyday, and I just— he works and studies so much to afford to keep the baby. I can’t watch it anymore, he is too tired."

"Do you want that pup now then?" Namjoon asks, hopeful.

"I...I don’t know. I don’t feel like I do, I still think that having children is such an inconvenience if it's not the right time."

Jungkook sighs.

"I'm a bad father, right? I know they would hate me."

"Kook. You're a great father." Jungkook looks up at Namjoon who holds an encouraging smile on his face.

"Do you realise what you’re doing? You sacrificed everything for your pup. The job you’re in love with, you left it to secure a future for your pup. For your omega."

"He's not...anymore."

"He will always be, you idiot. He loves you. Can't you see? Why was he worried about your job situation then? I'm not here most of the time so I don't know a lot but I do know Taehyung. He loves you."

Jungkook inhales sharply through his nose, stealing a glance at Taehyung who looks like he fell asleep.

"You thinking about whether or not you're a good dad is a sign that you are one. You care. Just give yourself a chance."

Jungkook chuckles.

"You sound like Yoongi hyung.”
"Are you calling me an old man?"

"Did you forget that your husband is literally older than him?"  He laughs when Namjoon glares at him.

"I'll see you around, idiot. Take care of him, okay?"

With one last hug, Namjoon turns to leave before Jungkook closes the door behind him.

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