Both looked so tired and fearful too. Of course, they didn't want to do it, but they hadn't other possibilities and it was so hard to see them struggling. Those men there would hit you, punch you, inject you chemistries as long as you don't harm them. They drilled you to be so ruthless that you fear yourself. 


If you thought that the one I told you right away was worse, I must disappoint you: It only get worse. This topic is also one of the main reasons why we hate rules and commands so much. It was pure torture. 

One time tied up on a chair. Men around you who inject you some chemistries and poison made you to an obedient and silent solder. You wasn't yourself. Your soul left you and your body alone. You could fought how much you what: it was helpless. And this feeling is worse than anything different I felt before. But that was only the harmless habitation on this poison what ever it was. Looking back we must be happy that we survived it, because it was anything but harmless. We saw in front of our eyes other people - 16,18,20 years old - dying. Maybe that was also the reason why they were so obsessed with us. To this point we were only 6 1/2 years and nevertheless survived it. To this time I would likely die because this pain was only hard bearable. 

The harmful part was only coming: the usage. They injected us lower quantities while our fight training - which is a whole other story - and make this way everybody slowly to the perfect obedient soldiers. 


Dark. As dark as our biggest fears. They called it rehabilitation from fears. It makes me chuckling lightly because of how fucked up this all is. It sounds like a bad action movie in which in the future the superheroes come and rescue everybody. Unfortunately, that's not how the live is going on. It was our past. Not some invented happenings. 

Simple explanation: They forced you to face as long your fears as you have none left. That's the reason for our behavior - for other maybe looking like a played and want to be strong and cool act - but in reality, as hard and hurtful it may be, it's just how we are. Fearless. If you don't include our trauma gotten from the happens there. Ridiculous I know. They wanted us fearless and in the end they gave us new fears. But that's how our life is: Up fucked and ridiculous. 

The R.O.O.M. - The worse part from all the happens we experienced in only 14 years. I was of us three the luckiest, unfortunately. I've always been the one with more abilities for digital things and not the fight. Lione and Li were trained and forced to go trough this process more often then I and only because of the stories from Li, I know so much about this R.O.O.M. Even if I think the reality from experiencing it every fucking single day is much worse than the things which Li told me.

Little screams bring me back to reality before I can think more about the past and possible would end up on THAT day in the R.O.O.M. 

It sounds like that all the stress, experiences and new impressions drop off of Li. I rub comforting her back even if I now that at the moment this little screaming and burst out is exactly the thing which Li needed. 

I don't know how many minutes go by while we just sit here. Side to side and enjoying the present the other one. 

Suddenly a quiet "Thank you." comes from my side. I look down and see Li watching me with this beautiful heterochromia eyes. The same once like mine and Lione'. "Always." I mutter back and cannot do something against the small smile which come on my face by seeing her 'okay' again. 

"It's already past 11 p.m.?!" - She says in disbelieve.  

"Perfect reason to change into our pajamas." - I smirk at her while standing up from my place which was unexpected comfortable. Like if you lay sometimes randomly on the floor. 

Double TroubleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora