Stardust - Hex

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Shipping Warning - Hex (Hels x Ex)

Tw: Grief, Death, and minor bits of swearing

IRL AU fyi :)

Inspired by Fall Out Boy's song So Much (For) Stardust. It's a good song.



{Xay's POV}

I clutched the last letter X had sent me tightly. I didn't want to let it go.

It'll all get better. I promise.

Those were the last words I ever heard from him. They were the last word he'd written before his signature in this letter.

And they were the biggest lie I'd ever heard.

It hadn't all gotten better. It'd gotten much worse. Just two weeks after X sent this letter from the hospital I was notified of the news.

The world had been dark and cold ever since. Most of my friends came by to see me but I didn't answer. Why would I?

There was nothing left to live for, anyways. X was gone. Forever. He wasn't coming back.

I looked at the small snow globe on the table, with another note beside it.

Shake this three times, and I'll be with you. The stardust will keep us together.

I'd shaken it god knows how many times and it hadn't worked. Obviously. It wasn't like I could raise the dead.

I'd had anger issues when I was younger, but they'd gotten better recently. All the work I'd put in seemed to disappear in an instant. A wave of rage washed over me and I reached out for the snow globe, shaking it three times, then throwing it to the ground when it yet again, didn't work.

I stared at the shattered orb, glass, water, and stardust slowly spilling all over the floor.

The rage was gone as soon as it had come. I instantly regretted what I'd done: smashed the last treasure I had left from X.

I staggered over to my bed and collapsed on it, too tired and sad to clean up the mess.

I don't know how long I laid there, but I must've fallen asleep. I heard footsteps in the other room and instantly assumed the worst.

I definitely looked like shit but I ran out of my room regardless, after grabbing the nearest method of defense I could find: a shoe.

I skidded to a stop in the doorway of the kitchen and saw not a home invader, but my closest friend, Hels Knight.

"H-Hels?" I choked out, surprised my voice still worked after not using it for... how many days had it been? Three? Four?

He looked up from washing dishes and met my eyes. "Hey, Xay," he said in the gentlest voice I'd ever heard out of him. "You're up early."

I glanced at the clock. It read 7:39 am. "Why are you here?" I asked, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Hels was in my kitchen at seven in the morning.

"You've been missing in action for five days now. Everyone's been worried about you. I figured I'd come by and see if you would accept help. Here." He tossed me something... my keys. "Lock your door next time."

I was still tired and sad and didn't register that the keys were flying at me until they hit the ground. "I- uh - how long have you been here?"

He looked at the clock. "Five, six in the morning, maybe. I dunno. I'm an early riser. Do you want breakfast?"

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