Chapter 17: Blinded by the Light

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Kars licked the blood off his blade as he continued to grin at me. His constant arrogance was beginning to grow annoying now. I tried my best to compose my nerves, one mistake made by anger and hasty thinking could be the death of me. 

Joseph called out "Gyalzen! Get out of there! You can't beat him alone!" I just snapped back "Are you still up here?! I told you JoJo, focus on saving Lisa Lisa! I will handle this!" Before Joseph could argue, my attention was already back on Kars.

My eyes focussed on him with a hate-filled glare. I placed my hands together, steam was still present on my left hand, the right hand's steam had disbursed following the failed Zoom Punch. Rubbing my hands together, I began to generate more.

I had to find a way to build up enough for my trick to work. This wasn't like with Esidisi, light couldn't be used to generate steam unless it was also generating heat. And it wasn't like Kars would just LET me do it either.

Kars raised an eyebrow looking down on me saying "Oh? Don't think I haven't noticed what you're doing. It won't work. I won't make the same mistakes Esidisi did. I'll sever both your hands so you won't be generating any more of that worthless steam!"

He yelled the last part before racing forward, I heard him saying "I considered tricking you like I did your teacher. However where's the fun in that? I intend to kill you myself. Esidisi will be avenged!" 

Once he was close enough he slashed several times, each one left a sharp trail of light behind it. I avoided most of them however two of them caught different parts of my body, one slashed my right arm, the other sliced my left leg. Neither was severed thankfully.

I grunted in pain though this gave a small opening. In Kars moment of arrogance, I swung my leg around and actually connected it with his SIDE! I sent more Hamon coursing into his body, the force of which made him recoil and stagger back.

In an instant, his smirk vanished, replaced now by a look of anger and rage. He said nothing though, for a moment all he did was glare before suddenly, there was yet another flash of light and he struck out again with both bone blades.

I flipped aside as he tried slashing with his right arm. He spun and while I was mid-flip, he attempted to slice at my arm right from under me. I barely had time to dodge that as well, the blade cut into my arm. The pain of which made me falter partially.

I only staggered for a moment, but in that time Kars had already gone completely on the offensive. With a swift follow-up to his previous attack, he swung his blade upwards narrowly catching me on the chin as my head jerked back to avoid being cut clean off!

He let out a laugh before cutting again, this one struck me in the side of my torso, again it could have killed me then and there, but instead it once again only cut the skin a bit. This time, I hadn't been able to dodge, it was very apparent Kars was TOYING with me!

I jumped back, once again allowing my hands to scrape across the stone and more steam to be generated before jumping up to avoid a third slash attack, this one was powerful enough to cut through the stone pillar.

It fell from where we were stood and crushed a few Vampires unfortunate to be stood below. They let out shrill screams before being silenced. I didn't allow myself to be distracted for long as my attention snapped straight back to Kars who stood with his blade still extended out in front of him.

He turned, giving me a sideways glance, he raised his arm to show the bone blade again before saying "This is growing tedious." He leapt upwards, declaring "Time to end this!" For a moment, it seemed he'd moved in an instant.

I couldn't dodge in time, I just about raised my arms to prevent the blade cutting through my chest! Kars swung his blade down, while it didn't hit my body, the blade sliced into the side of my arms. I conducted Hamon into the steam around them to form a barrier of sorts however even that wasn't enough to stop the blade piercing my flesh.

The Red Stone's Gleam (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency x Male O/C)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora