Chapter 3: The Master of Venice

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Gyalzen POV

Venice, Italy...

How long had it taken me to get here? A good three, maybe even FOUR days at most. I had no clue how to fly the plane we'd arrived in and I didn't have enough money to afford a plane to Italy.

It had taken a day alone to reach civilisation. With what money I did have on my person, I was able to exchange for a currency they'd accept and I hired a driver to take me to the coast. From there I was able to enlist the help of a sailor to make the long voyage.

That had taken work and perhaps a little threatening. I felt guilty for that, but I had no choice. The remaining money I had wasn't enough to convince him to cross the whole Atlantic ocean! In the end though, the ends justified the means.

I didn't know if Master, no, FORMER master Straizo would come for me. As is, I would be unable to face him. He knew every move I'd make before I'd make it! To stand a chance, I'd have to get stronger. Strong enough that even a GOD among Vampires would struggle!

And there was only one person that came to mind that could help.

Straizo had only talked of her a few times before. From what I gathered, she was a previous student of his. Not to mention, I believe she was also his adopted DAUGHTER! I knew she was a fierce warrior. And thankfully, I'd been given  both a location and a name. Both of which lead me to now.

Lisa Lisa.

Venice was truly a beautiful city. In fact, taking a boat had proved to be efficient given how Venice was a city on the water. I'd gotten off at the first jetty I saw. Paid the sailor what money I had and set off to begin my search.

And it was here that once more, I was at a loss. Straizo's directions only gave me names, I knew Venice as well as a place referred to as Air Supplena Island. But I had no idea what that was or where it was.

To make matters worse, my wounds hadn't healed from the fight with Straizo. My leg injury caused me to limp, not to mention, I'd hardly eaten or slept during my travel here. The sailor that brought me here gave me some of his food but my mind was too distracted to sleep.

I wandered, seemingly endlessly. I was able to admire the scenery for about an hour before I arrived at one jetty in particular that brought me to a stop. Off in the distance, I noticed an island. Massive in size! Highly likely, THIS was the Air Supplena Island I'd been looking for. And it was here, a new problem arose. How would I get across to it?!

There were no gondolas around, normally I'd swim. But with my fatigue and injury to my leg, I doubt I'd make it. All I could do for now was wait, and hope an opportunity would present itself. I wouldn't give up, not now...


??? POV

Strange, when Suzie Q said she saw a strange man stood by the jetty over the island, I assumed it to be a tourist or resident just passing by. I'd paid it no mind at first. However two hours later, they were still here. Upon getting a closer look, I'll admit, my interest was piqued.

I recognized those robes. But why would one of Straizo's students come here? Especially so soon after he'd sent IT to me. Whatever this was, I would go out and find out for myself...

Gyalzen POV

It took around two more hours for my work to pay off. I'd stood, waiting on that jetty when I noticed something approaching from the island. At first it was too difficult to clearly tell what it was however closer inspection revealed a gondola paddling closer.

The sailor of it was a woman, with long black hair and blue eyes that pierced my soul the whole time as she approached. Was this who I sought? I couldn't be sure, I watched with anticipation as she continued to row before coming to a stop.

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