Chapter 6: A Month's Training, Nearly Completed

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Gyalzen POV

As soon as we'd returned to Air Supplena Island, the training began. Of course, I knew now why it was urgent to do so. Caesar had told me of these so-called 'Pillar Men', the creators of the stone mask, beings that possessed immense power.

I'd instantly connected the strange figure I saw in Mexico to these entities. Apparently Joseph had defeated that one as well but now there were three more, two of which had placed these wedding rings in Joseph's body that would kill him in a month's time, hence the deadline.

I gladly offered my aid which was accepted, guess they figured the more of us there were, the better. I'd already been partaking in the training anyway, so it made sense. Firstly though, I just sat aside and watched as Caesar and Joseph had to climb the pillar just as I had days earlier.

There was no point me re-doing the same exercise I'd just completed so for now, I had another task, not a strenuous one. I simply spent time atop the pillar, meditating constantly. As I did so, I was expected to maintain the same rate of breathing the whole time.

Was it hours? Or days? Again, waiting for them to finish the climb caused time to blend together. Especially as I sat with my eyes closed in a constant state of meditation. I had no idea how long I'd been sat there before at last, the sound of someone reaching the top was heard.

Opening my eyes, I wasn't surprised to see Caesar emerging over the edge. I commented "So, you made it." Looking at the timer I'd been given, I counted roughly sixty ONE hours. Caesar had climbed the pillar two hours FASTER than me.

I walked over to him offering him a hand up as I said "You did better than I did, well done." Caesar caught his breath, saying "Thank you, but JoJo-." He trailed off as Lisa Lisa approached. He turned to her and exclaimed "C-Coach! JoJo can't take any more! Stop the oil, please!"

I peered over the edge to see Joseph caught behind one of the traps. A spray of oil circled the entire pillar, this was the same trap I'd had to pry my way through and got a cut on my hand for doing so.  Caesar continued "Knowing JoJo, he'll attempt some try or die stunt any second now! If he tried to break through, the oil will split him right in half!"

Not surprisingly, Joseph did try a stunt, using Hamon, he was able to SLIDE along the surface of the oil spray! And using the oil's speed, he was able to jump around the spray and land on top of it! Even Lisa Lisa pointed out "No one has ever climbed the pillar that way before. Turning his weakness into strength, quite clever."

This had put him in the final stretch, however the energy he'd used during that last effort left him exhausted. Just when it seemed he would lose his rhythm and fall, me and Caesar intervened, each grabbing one of his hands.

Through our intervention, Joseph was able to reach the top as well. Though much like with me, Lisa Lisa revealed to Joseph that the pillar was merely the first of many exercises we'd have to undergo, much to Joseph's dismay. He went from wanting revenge to being awestruck at how much he'd improved. I leaned towards Caesar and muttered "What a strange man." Caesar smirked and replied "You have no idea.

Messina and Loggins made their presence known, Lisa Lisa introduced them to Caesar and Joseph. Loggins dipped his finger in a glass of water before turning it upside down and taking the glass away.

I was left shocked, I'd never done that before. Loggins asked if we wanted to learn and told us to step closer only to splash us in the face with it. Once that little joke was over with, both him and Messina declared.

"From this day forward, we're going to forge you into REAL men!"


Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks. The training was tough, I can promise you that. Loggins and Messina were harsh instructors, the same orders were yelled again and again throughout the various tasks. As if they were being drilled into my very mind.

The Red Stone's Gleam (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency x Male O/C)Where stories live. Discover now