Chapter 1: 50 Years Later, The Master's Mission

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Narrator POV

Fifty Years...

It had been fifty years since the battle between Jonathan Joestar and the Brando siblings, Dio and Damian. A lot had happened in that time. A new age has arrived! His companions continued to live out their lives.

Not long after Jonathan's death, Robert E.O. Speedwagon travelled to America. It was during his travels he discovered a large quantity of oil and from this was able to found a large corporation dubbed the Speedwagon Foundation! 

Straizo took over from Master Tonpetty as Master of the Hamon monks and began taking in a handful of students of his own. Unaware of the impending fate that was on the horizon.

It is here, that our story begins...

Gyalzen POV

In a swift motion I lunged into the air, taking my opponent off guard. As I followed up by kicking out with my left foot aimed at their face. They declared "You expect to hit me with a slow attack like that?!"

They raised their hand to defend, managing to catch my foot and causing my torso to tip downwards to the ground. A smirk spread across my face. This was exactly what I'd wanted, as soon as I was close enough, I placed my palm flat against the ground and firmly scrapped it.

A small graze would be a small price to pay, if I even had THAT! I'd done this trick enough times and sometimes it went off without so much as a scratch to my hand. Either way, as my hand scraped along the floor, a few narrow trails of steam began emanating from my palm due to the process of friction.

This was quickly followed by me aiming my fist and yelling out "ZOOM PUNCH!" Taking in a steady breath, I felt Hamon channel into my arm causing the bone to dislocate. My arm stretched outward, the steam I'd built up became to envelop the limb.

To anyone else, it would look like my fist was being detached from my body by a pillar of steam. In truth, my arm stretched and the steam was simply covering it. With the steam present though, it did cause my fist to move quicker and by extension hit its mark HARDER!

My fist collided with my opponents face, knocking them back and causing them to collapse to the ground. As soon as my arms relocated, the steam dispersed and I took a breath out. My opponent slowly got to his feet and approached me once more.

This time though, he smiled and complimented "Another good match Gyalzen, I can tell you've improved since last time." I bowed to my opponent, another monk who had agreed to spar with me as I responded "Thank you. And thank you for being my opponent."

The monk gave a nod in response and it was here we heard a voice speaking up "An exceptional performance, both of you." Turning to the source of the voice, we both bowed and greeted in unison "Master Straizo."

Image of Straizo:

(The only difference is that he still has the scar on his cheek from the fight with Damian

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(The only difference is that he still has the scar on his cheek from the fight with Damian. It's notably faded but is still plainly visible.)

Our master glanced between the two of us with a blank expression before saying "Follow me." He turned and we followed him inside the temple into the main hall. Master Straizo went to the far end of it before turning back to us and gesturing "Sit."

Me and the Monk did this side by side and it was at this point Straizo said "You may be wondering why I called you both here." Both of us nodded and once more responded in unison "Yes Master."

Master Straizo went on to explain. "I recently received contact from an old friend of mine. He requested my presence in Mexico regarding a discovery. One related to the stories of the stone mask I told you about."

I remembered these tales, fifty years ago two brothers in England utilised the power to the mask and became powerful vampires. Hamon was an art that could combat these creatures and I assumed that was why my master was informed.

Master Straizo continued "My friend is named Robert E.O. Speedwagon, he wished for my assistance in destroying whatever it is he'd found. While I should be more than capable of doing this alone, I wish for you both to accompany me."

For a moment, I noticed a strange look in his eye. However I quickly pushed the thoughts out of my mind. The monk next to me responded "Of course Master. It would be an honour." Straizo gave a thin smile at this before saying.

"Good, one of your fellow students has already been informed. Speedwagon has arranged a meeting spot as well. We leave within the hour. You are dismissed." The other Monk got up to leave however I remained, causing Master Straizo to ask "Is something on your mind Gyalzen?"

Standing to me feet, I voiced my thoughts. "I'm sorry, forgive me Master. I'm just a bit uncomfortable." My Master raised an eyebrow, prompting me to elaborate. "You told me stories about the mask, the vampires. I wonder if I'm prepared."

Feeling a hand be placed on my shoulder, I saw Master Straizo looking at me with his usual stoic expression. His words though, held a reassuring tone. "Gyalzen, you are about as ready as I was when I travelled to England with my own Master. You have come very far in your time here. That is why I asked you to accompany me. Do you understand?"

All I responded with was "Yes Master, thank you for all you've done for me." Master Straizo gave a slow nod before saying "Now, as I said earlier, we will be leaving shortly. Make sure you're ready..."


We met this 'Speedwagon' my master mentioned at an airstrip not far from the temple. I'd heard of him before, he was a wealthy businessman and oil tycoon in America. And his attire certainly fit the part. He wore a dark suit with matching hat and held a cane. Upon our approach he turned to Master Straizo with a smile.

Image of Robert E.O. Speedwagon:

Master Straizo greeted "Nice to see you again, Speedwagon

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Master Straizo greeted "Nice to see you again, Speedwagon. I hear you're an oil tycoon in America now." The man, Speedwagon, took his hat off as he replied "That's an exaggeration. You look as young as ever Straizo. I can't believe we're the same age." 

Me, Master Straizo and the two other monks clasped our hands together as he added "Hamon energy is life energy. I must say I envy you. Come, we should be on our way." He gestured to the plane behind him which we promptly began to board.

I don't know what awaited us in Mexico. But whatever it was, I had a bad feeling about it...

Author's Note: And that's it for the first chapter of this book! Unlike the first book that took a while to have some action, this one will have its first fight quite soon. I really hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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