Chapter 12: The Last, Lonely Bubble

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Gyalzen POV

Every second that passed only served to make me more nervous. No word came from either Caesar OR Messina. It hadn't been long, but even so, I was growing concerned. Had they entered the old hotel? No, Messina had his orders and I doubt he'd go against them.

Lisa Lisa had told us Caesar's story, of his father. For a long time Caesar had believed his father had abandoned him. He'd turned to crime before finally coming across both his father as well as the still-frozen Pillar men. His father sacrificed himself to save Caesar, in his last moments he directed him to Lisa Lisa to learn Hamon.

With this knowledge, it made sense. His sense of family honour, his insistence on facing the Pillar Men head-on. Now that I knew WHY, I found myself agreeing with Caesar's motive. Had I been placed in his shoes, I'd have reacted the same way.

Once Lisa Lisa's explanation was over, Joseph spoke. "I see." Lisa Lisa stated "Caesar's misunderstanding led to hatred. But that became pride in his father and his family. So Caesar picked up where his father had left off." 

We looked out at the hotel, I voiced my thoughts "Had I been in his place, I'd have had the same reaction. I can tell where he's coming from. Joseph said "He wants to avenge his father. Forgive me Caesar, I didn't mean to speak ill of your family. If you want to go in there despite it being a trap, then you must have a way to beat Kars. I've changed my mind! If you're going in, I'm right behind you! Caesar Zeppeli!" I added "Then as am I! I'm sorry I am not by your side already."

Lisa Lisa gave a thin-lipped smile. No words came from her, instead, she just nodded silently. It seems this time, we were all in agreement.

We set off without a moment's hesitation...


Our own walk towards the hotel felt like it went on for an eternity. Even if we were now on the same page, my nerves hadn't calmed at all. There was no sign of either Caesar or Messina, but judging by the footprints in the snow, it was clear they'd come this way.

I'd only known Caesar for three weeks at MOST. And yet, he was a friend I'd grown to respect deeply in that time. Both as a warrior and a friend. I thought back, back to one of our little sparring matches during that three week period.



I was somewhat surprised as the bubbles around Caesar's hands took on the shape of sharp discs. They cascaded towards me, sparks of Hamon jolting around them. I just about managed to evade each projectile by leaping to the side causing them to soar past me into the distance.

Due to already having a build-up of steam coating my hands, I was able to swiftly counter attack. I swing my arm around, yelling "ZOOM PUNCH!" As my arm thrust out, my aim was to collide with his face and end the fight here and now.

Caesar though, saw this coming, of course he did. He jumped back and called out "BUBBLE LAUNCHER!" He extended his hands as a barrage of bubbles began spewing out. Each one approached at a rate slower than the earlier discs. Which ultimately made my next effort easier.

With a swipe of my arm, a trail of steam extended around me. The bubbles were engulfed by it and due to the nature of both the bubbles and steam being Hamon-infused, the bubbles burst instantly and the steam rapidly disbursed in all directions.

In an instant, Caesar went in for another attack, swinging his leg around as he channelled Hamon into it. I repeated the same movement, both of us swung our left legs around causing them to clash. Hamon conducted through both.

For a moment, neither of us spoke. However before long, we both smirked withdrew from our lock. We stood opposite one another, catching our breath before standing up properly. I complimented "I must say, you surprised me again Caesar. I didn't expect you to turn the bubbles into discs like that."

The Red Stone's Gleam (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency x Male O/C)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu