Chapter 4: Training at a New Level

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Gyalzen POV

True to her word, training began as soon as Lisa Lisa deemed me able. Which was only a day or two after my arrival.

I'll admit, going into this, I knew it would be challenging. I had endured years training under Straizo to a point where I had a decent mastery over Hamon. However it seems I was being thrown right into the deep end.

I stood at the base of the large pillar. My objective seemed easy at first, all I had to do was reach the top. No problem! However right from the get-go it was clear that it would be anything BUT that.

From the top of the pillar, OIL was dispensed like a fountain, coating the already smooth surface in a slippery layer. Climbing up in the conventional way would be impossible your hand would just slip.

There was one thing however, I believe I'd figured out how to do this. Channelling Hamon into my hands and feet, I found that I was able to gain a grip and begin my climb. Even now though, things weren't easy. Channelling Hamon required constant focus and patience. I couldn't afford to rush myself. 

The climb was a long one as well. Between the size of the pillar and the pace I had to go at to maintain my grip, I wasn't exactly making much progress. And in a way, I had it easy compared to some who would take this challenge.

Normally, the one participating would be required to wear a mask. One that would restrict breathing unless done properly. I believe this was to improve one's usage of Hamon. However in the years I'd trained under Straizo, I'd already figured out how to do this. Hence, no mask. Not that it made things much easier. 

I still found it difficult to maintain my focus, things didn't improve when I came across a crack in the stone, at first I just thought it was damage on the pillar however as I drew close enough, I was met with a gush of oil spraying out.

I had to lurch to the side, briefly losing my grip! I fell for a bit however while doing so, I frantically rubbed my hands together to cause a small generation of steam. Given how slippery the surface was, my hands were the only sources of friction available.

Once enough steam was present, I grabbed back onto the pillar before I could fall too far behind. There was a faint hiss as my hands once more latched on. Steam emerged from under my fingers in extremely thin trails. 

I conducted the Hamon through the steam, in turn strengthening my grip as my fingers were no longer directly touching the oil. It almost felt like I was climbing the pillar WITHOUT the oil. I also knew to avoid the cracks. 

Even with this knowledge, I triggered yet another trap by mistake, this time though I managed to move to duck out of the way and maintain my grip. With steam still coming from my fingers, conducting the Hamon, it proved easier to keep my hold.

The problem was this spray circled the entire pillar. I may have avoided falling, but to advance, I'd have to find a way around it. The spray came out at an angle that gave the oil a sharp edge to it, I couldn't just pass through it. Unless...

I came up with a plan, not a clear one. But one that MAY just work. I slowly detached my hands from the wall, Hamon still coursing through my feet allowed me to stay stood along the surface barely. Even so, I kept my hands close to the pillar in case I needed to regain my grip.

Rubbing my hands together once more I began to build-up steam. And with this I executed my strategy. Thrusting my hands upwards, I was able to push them against the oil. A louder hiss shot out. For a moment, nothing happened. However it didn't take long for my plan to take effect.

With steam now seeping from my palms and fingertips, I was able to grip the oil and push it aside! This feat was only temporary, I wouldn't be able to hold this for long. That's why as soon as the opening was big enough, I rushed through, intentionally putting my hand over the gap it was coming from to halt the spray in that moment. 

The Red Stone's Gleam (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency x Male O/C)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя