Chapter 26: The Chase

Start from the beginning

The chauffeur nods. The limo starts moving afterwards and Audrey almost jolts from the seat because of it. He's up to something. Audrey's concern rose when she heard Matt is planning to head to the airport. But why?

Matt opens his microphone yet again, but this time, his message forwards not to Swift and Tom. "J? Party's over. Fetch them for me, will you?" He speaks as he sees Swift taking care of another gunman in the chemistry lab.

He throws his assailant to the floor after being disarmed. Putting up a pistol in front of the man's face, Swift pulls the trigger. In a single shot, the man perishes and he just stands there emotionless. It's been a few minutes ever since the siege began. He and Tom have been moving everywhere to kill everyone going their way. However, after he took down the previous one, everything becomes extremely quiet. Maybe we killed all of them? His question is cut short when someone approaches him and Tom from behind.

Once they decide to exit the lab, Swift gets grabbed forcefully on his shoulder by someone unknown. But he quickly turns to confront the figure and take them out. However, the figure had a pretty big body build, so they effortlessly overpowers him, slamming him down onto the table, restraining him and making him drop his gun. More flashlight rays light the room, but Tom still has his pistol, shooting at the doorway preventing the people from entering. A light briefly highlights Swift's attacker, and he recognizes them instantly.

"Jake?!" Swift growls shockingly.

"Surprised?" Jake's lips form a sly grin. Their weight fights each other causing them to swerve into a short glass cabinet, cracking it.

"Not really!" Swift chokes to Jake's grip on his throat as his head gets dragged across the glass surface, hitting several chemistry utilities like a few chemistry flasks, even breaking them. Even though Jake has a pistol to shoot Swift with, he wishes to use his fists just to have a little more fun harming him. He suspends Swift against the wall, next to a window.

"Been wanting to do this," Jake has his right fist up, bracing to punch Swift in the face. Tom takes a moment to reload his gun after he locks the door, giving time for the coming assailants to struggle to open it. Then he looks back to Swift. To his shock, Jake is the one getting ready to hurt him.

"Ryan!" Tom shoots a bullet at Jake's shoulder, unluckily in the armored part, so it doesn't hurt him. Jake pulls out his pistol from his holster. He was about to put a bullet in Tom's head, but he was too late as Tom, without thinking too much, pushes him towards the window, taking Swift and himself along to fall onto the parking lot concrete.

Tom and Jake groan painfully, but Swift, he does it out of spite. He knew being thrown out of the second-floor window for the second time wouldn't be a good thing for his stitched wound. But just like always, he walks it off like nothing happened, limbs shaking, causing him to fall back down when he tries standing up, but he succeeds eventually. Jake is unconscious on the floor and Tom is just in pain, not knocked out.

"Tom?" Swift limps to Tom, attempting to get him up, but realizing how he essentially threw himself out the window, he probably couldn't stand up just yet. "Come on, buddy," He picks up his hand, and drags Tom by his wrists, body being dragged along the concrete. Swift pulls his winded friend towards the car, which was not far ahead, fortunately. It's also surprisingly left completely untouched. Right as he nears the sedan, he hears the approaching sound of a motorbike from behind him.

An unrecognizable figure riding the bike goes faster towards Swift. He panics, throwing Tom away to get him away from the danger, sacrificing himself to take the full hit of the motorcycle. He's lucky it wasn't a car, otherwise, he would possibly be dead. He drops on the concrete floor again. He couldn't waste any more time taking a rest. Swift crawls hurriedly to the car, specifically the front passenger's seat. Unlocking the door with his fingerprint, his hand lands on the glove box handle before a gunshot goes off, startling him that he accidentally opens the compartment.

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