chaoter 29 (welcome)

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No one’s POV...

Riya wandered, mindlessly searching for Hunter. Most of the doors were locked. Suddenly, she heard voices. She quickly hid. They were just passing but still, she could hear them talk. There were three of them.

“Is she going to kill him?” Said one.

“I don’t know maybe, but it looks like she is waiting for something.” Said another.

“Or maybe someone? Whatever, let's just do what we are paid for.” Said other.

After they left Riya came out of hiding. She made her way towards where they came from when suddenly thoughts came to her mind.

Riya’s POV...

(I don’t know about you, but Riya is my queen!👑👑👑👑

The words in " " are Riya’s thoughts.)

“Wait, She? Who is she? She as in Melody? That crazy ass bitch ex of Hunter? But why now? That means that can’t be her. The only woman who was and is still in this household alive is me, I am definitely not the culprit.

The day when I first came, Lucas was talking about his ex... what was her name, uh... Li-la? No, no. Lisa! Yeah! But she can’t be. It happened a year ago. Then Melody? She can’t be either. Kyle’s parents, nah they wouldn’t, they love Hunty as their own. Then who? Uhhh... it's so frustrating to play detective. Use your brains Riya, use all the novels you read, all the series you watched. Think bitch! Bitc-

Bitch! Thats it! Bitch! It must be Catty the bitch! Oh my god, I am a genius! Love you brain. But why? Why Hunty? If she would have kidnapped Lucas, I would have understood, but why him? What is so important about Hunty? Why him? Maybe it's not because She didn’t kidnap Lucas. But maybe because she can’t. Even if she did then Lucas will never agree. Hunty is the most important person to Lucas more than Kyle. Not only to Lucas, as Hunty is important to Albert as his love, but he is also important to Kyle as his bestie, he is important to me as a brother. Guess all the reading and watching paid off.

Then, they said she is waiting, waiting for what? For me? Cause I see only me coming here. For them? Who is making forever to reach here? Is this a trap? If I go in there, is someone gonna shoot at me? Maybe a granite? A mine? I should probably stop watching too many movies. Seriously what is she waiting for? And where the hell is Mr. Williams? Does he know about this? Is he a part of this? Maybe or maybe not? I suppose, no, he doesn’t know. I don’t think any father can do this to their sons. But still, the stories I read say otherwise. But what could they want from a bunch of teenagers? I need to know. Guess I will.”

She neared the room before the last room. She heard thunder, followed by rain. It was raining hard. 'Great', she thought. It was not locked. She opened it slightly. She peeked inside. What she saw was, beyond her expectations. No series, no movie, and no novel could match it. She didn’t know what to do in this kinda situation. She was stuck. She froze.

It was a person she was least expecting. It was Mr. Willams. He was tied to the chairs, unconscious. His clothes looked like, they weren’t washed for weeks, they were ripped too. There were bags under his eyes.

“Holy shit! What on earth happened to him? Maybe I should untie him. But what if there are cameras inside? Cameras? Shit! Shit! Shit! What if there are cameras outside of the room too? What if she is watching me now? Maybe I am overreacting. But if, what if I am playing exactly the same way she wanted me to? Think Riya. Think. Guys, please come quickly and save my ass. Okay, Riya! Let's do this!”

She closed the door. And turned around, only to meet with 3 other goons' guns pointed at her. They didn’t wear any masks, making their face clear to her. She reached for the chloroform bottle in her back pocket. And she broke it. Then she ran. She ran into the last room and locked it. when she turned around.

“Hello Riya, I was not expecting you. But welcome.”

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