chapter 10 (What have you done ?)

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The Sunday has arrived, to say I am nervous was understandable. Not only due to the engagement, but also because of Kyle and our relationship. He is acting different, like he space outs all the time. He is avoiding me, not all the time but he does. I know he is doing all this because of the engagement and it kills me to know that I am the cause of his problems. It must have been already difficult to, suddenly being attracted towards the opposite gender you have liked your whole life. And it must have been more difficult to admit it. And now, the person who you liked is going to be someone else's fiancé. It must be hard for him. I know and I understand. But I can't refuse my dad. I can't reject this proposal. I want to, trust me. I want this engagement to stop more than anything. But we all know it can't happen. Riya is also in the same situation. She also doesn't want this and I think she likes someone. And that someone is left behind in the past, but she still likes that person. Okay I am going off-topic. Back to Kyle, I just want to run away. Ofcourse, with him, but it will only cause unnecessary drama. My dad will find us within hours. And I am afraid something will happen to him and his family. But Riya told me that she will not let this business- family deal happen. I haven't seen her since yesterday night. It's not like I don't trust her, I do. But what if she couldn't. Ahhh... I am going crazy.

There was a knock on the door. Hunt came in.

"Hey, are you ready? Dad is asking for you to come down." He told me.
"Yeah, almost finished, will be out in a minute." I replied.
"Okay. Good luck." He patted my shoulder and left.

I finished my styling my hair. I looked myself one last time in the mirror. I look hot, in this silver color Armani suit. After complementing myself, I made my way downstairs. Everyone was waiting for me, including Riya. I raised my eyebrow at her, but she only gave me a reassuring look. She was wearing a light blue dress, she told me, it's called lehenga. She is beautiful, but unfortunately she is not the one for me. Speaking of the one, where is Kyle? I searched for him in the crowd. He is standing with Clara and Sophie near Riya who is now talking with Hunter and Albert, our eyes met, he gave me a nod which I returned. Clara sent a glare at me and shook her head disappointingly, Sophie gave me a sympathetic look.

I looked at my dad, I saw him 3 years ago. Not that I care, I am actually very happy without him, so is Hunter. We don't need him in our lives, but he needs us and doesn't let us leave. He hugged me, only to show people that he cares for us.

"How are you my son?" he asked.
"I am good, dad. How are you?" I asked with my mastered fake smile.
"I am fine." He replied, a woman came behind him and hugged me tightly.
"It's so good to see you Lucas." The woman said, she is known as my mom. No, not my real mom, she was an angel. This woman is my step mom and for your information she is a evil step mother.

"It's good to see you too, Catty." I replied.
"Oh dear, how many times I have told you to call me mom." She said, tightening her grip on my arm, her nails digging in my skin through the suit.
"Sorry, mom." I replied.

"Okay enough of your chit chat, let's start the ceremony." Mr. Khan interrupted, more like saved me.

I turned towards Riya, She was looking pale.
" Are you okay?" I asked.
" Yes and No" she whispered.
"What does that mean?" I asked, whispering.
"Just wait and wat--" She couldn't finish her sentence, she started coughing catching everyone's attention. Mr. Khan gave her a glass of water. She was not even able to hold, her eyes closing slowly. I grabbed her, making her lean on my chest, slapping her face, not too hard, to help her stay awake. Albert came forward and lifted her into his arms, making his way towards entrance. Hunter was waiting in the car, he climbed in, making me and Kyle do the same.

Albert was sitting in the back with Kyle. He had an arm around her securely so did Kyle. Hunter was driving like the devil was chasing us. The whole raid was silent, but my mind was repeatedly asking a only question, Riya, what have you done?

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