chapter 18(SIFA-last chapter )

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Everyone was silent when the private plane landed. After hours, we have finally reached our destination, India.

Everyone agreed to go with her when she said she is leaving, for the reason you know why. Arisifa, it’s such a unique name, I wonder what it means. She must be a great person. From what I have heard from Riya, I would have been nice to meet her, know her. However, it was impossible.

I always thought Mr. Khan, I mean Ryan was a strict kind of bastard but man I was wrong. He is such a great man. At first I feared him but now I respect him. Damn, bless him.

As for Riya, man I didn’t knew that she had this kind of past, I knew she had one but just not this. I feel sorry for her because, I know she blames herself. I wish I could do something for her.

We all wanted to go home, except Riya. She said she want to visit the grave first, to pay respect. And, we didn’t stop her we just went along with her.

First time in India and didn’t thought I would be in this situation.

Her grave was in front of us. I had a picture of Sifa too. She was beautiful. Don’t get me wrong, I mean she was still young when she died.

Riya placed the flowers, we bought on the way here. She said Sifa liked lilies. Riya was once again bawling her eyes out. I love the way she still loves her. But I wish for her to move on too. Riya stepped back. We all hesitated for a moment, before Kyle went forward and placed the flowers.

“Hey there, I know we haven’t met. You probably don’t know if I even exist. Hell, I just came to know about you today, but I can say you were a Lovely person. And I would have been glad to meet you.”

Her said and stepped back. Hunter came next,

“Ditto to the front part of what Kyle said, and...

Thank you for choosing Riya and loving her. She is like a sister to me and it’s great to know about the person my sister loves the most.” He finished and stepped back.

Albert came forward and placed flowers

“Hey, umm....

This is very awkward ....

I wish I had a chance to met you. I just hope you are watching her from above and blessing her.”

I came forward and placed the flowers.


Hey Sifa, I just want to tell you that don’t worry we will always take care of Riya, be assured. She has become a part of us. We will love her and never hurt her.
And I hope you are in peace.”

After that, we all turned to leave only to see Ryan standing there, silently wiping his tears.

Riya saw him, ran, and hugged him tightly. Mumbling sorry s’ and please don’t hate me s’.

Ryan pulled away and said,

“Riya I am not mad at you, and if honestly speaking I am glad, I am really glad that you forgot.

Because I have seen the way you behave when this day roles around and it not only hurt you but me too, it’s always painful to watch you like that.”

He said and kissed her for forehead then gestured all of us to follow him.

We all got in the cars and drove off to his house.

According to Riya, we are in Mumbai.

I can come here sometime just to look around. It’s a beautiful place.

We reached there and it’s a beautiful mansion

We all stared in awe.

We all went inside, and some maids came and took our luggage, lead us to our rooms. They informed us that the dinner would be ready soon. I nodded; Kyle and I are sharing a room. Therefore, I went to shower first. During shower there was a single question revolving around my mind,

’If Riya is agreeing with the wedding for Ryan’s happiness and Ryan is agreeing to the wedding for Riya to move on...
Then, If Ryan gets to know that if Riya is not happy with it, then we can stop the wedding....

Does this even make sense? I am sure it did in my mind... ′

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