That being said, Annabeth knew how random magic was, so it wasn't crazy to assume that wizards and witches couldn't be born in mortal families. And if wizards had a prejudice against mortals, they probably thought less about other wizards born to mortals.

And if there were purebloods and mudbloods, who's to say there weren't half bloods? Wizards and witches born to a wizard and a mortal? Annabeth couldn't think of anything else they would call it, so she stuck with half-blood and decided that if anyone other than this 5'4 ball of arrogance asked her status, that's what she would say. It wasn't even a lie, either.

"I'm Draco, by the way, Draco Malfoy," Draco said, like that was supposed to be important. He was now looking around the store in a bored way, completely ignoring the man trying to fit his robes.

"Ok," Annabeth said, holding up a bit of fabric on her robes while Madam Malkin got more pins from the cushion.

"Aren't you going to tell me who you are?"

"No, I don't think so." Annabeth stretched her arms behind her while Madam Malkin took off the now fitted robes, then, just to rub her manners in Draco's face, she accepted Madam Malkin's hand and stepped down from the stool.

"Follow me," Madam malkin said, "i'll take you to the racks with your size."

Not giving Draco another glance, Annabeth followed Madam Malkin down one aisle, left down another, and down one more.

"I'll leave you to pick out the ones you like," she said before walking off.

According to the school list, Annabeth needed three sets of plain black work robes and a set of dress robes.

She picked out the first three sets of black robes she found. Each had a faded spot over the left breast shaped like a crest. Annabeth assumed she would get crests to sew on when she got to Hogwarts, possibly in her house colors. But that was just a guess.

Then she looked up, searching for a sign that would mark where the dress robes were. There was none.

She tried to remember where Mrs. Weasley had brought her yesterday to get her dress robes, but Annabeth didn't even know where she was. She wandered around a little, looking for the front so she could have a reference point.

The aisles twisted all over the place, and Annabeth couldn't find the front. So she tried retracing her steps.

Annabeth found the dress robes before she found the front. They were divided by wizards and witches. Annabeth couldn't see what was robe-ish about the witch's dress robes. They honestly looked like regular dresses.

So she picked one out, finally found her way to the front counter, figured out how to pay, and emerged back in Diagon Alley.


Annabeth went to the general store next. It was actually called 'Basic Items for Those Dimwits Who Don't Have Them', so Annabeth guessed it was a general store.

There, she got rolls of parchment (seriously, no notebooks?), quills and ink (are pens not a thing?), a magical eraser, and a fidget toy that looked cool, plus a beautiful silver dagger that was shelved next to self stirring pots.

The store had absolutely no notebooks or loose leaf paper, but Annabeth did find a sketchbook with infinite pages that she thought would be nice to use for designs for Olympus (it does not take only a year to redesign it like people would expect) and for random designs that usually come to her at midnight.

Of course it would be too much to ask for Hecate to send her sketchbook from camp with her. Because why not?

After that, she went to the apothecary and got an intermediate potions ingredient kit. Annabeth knew enough from the Hecate kid's potions what kind of stuff went in those things, but she was still surprised by the maggots. How did people drink any potion ever?

Annabeth Chase the Triwizard ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now