32. Death sentence

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Rachel uses her ability and plays with the ashes, making a little dance in the air. When she turns around, her aunt hides in the trees looking at her, and that sight makes her flinch.

Seeing Amy doesn't always bring her comfort, especially when Rachel knows that she's judging her. Like now, helping someone like Abigail Parker would be something that Amy would never do.

"What are you looking at?" Abigail notices that Rachel's stare is fixated.

"Nothing," she quickly looks away, "let's go?"

They silently head back to the car. Rachel starts it and Abigail calls Ánh and puts her on speaker.

"Abigail, are you okay?!" 

"Yeah, I'm okay. We're heading back now..." Abigail looks to Rachel, "Can you give me a ride to the Institute? I left my car there."

Rachel sighs and nods.

"Maybe you should come here. Alex can check your brain and see if the man did something to you."

What now, Ánh? Seriously? How can you put our secrecy in jeopardy?

While Rachel tries her best to hide her discontent, Abigail notices it.

"All good. He only accessed my memories, didn't erase them. Have you found the identities of the shooters?"

"I did two seconds ago; I'll send them to you."

"Please..." Abigail taps on the seatbelt, "I think I know one of them."

"If you do know... don't do anything, please."

Abigail smiles.

"Rach, you are too silent..."

"Everything's okay, Ánh. I'm just tired. It's late already, we'll talk tomorrow."

"Yes! I was waiting for you so we could see our K-Drama. Tomorrow it is." Ánh's voice squeaks. "Abigail, stay safe."

"Stay safe." Abigail hangs up. "K-Drama?"

"What?" Rachel keeps her eyes fixated on the road.

"Nothing, nothing... I just..." Abigail tries to hold back the laughter, "didn't think that the leader of a terrorist movement had time for a show."

"Sometimes a girl needs a break from all the terrorism." Rachel smiles. " Ánh loves it, so I watch it with her. It makes her happy. It's the first time that I'm watching a show."

"I know she does. We used to watch it too. How..." Abigail scratches her forehead. "How's this the first one you are watching? Didn't you watch anything when you were growing up?"

"No. First time watching television."

"How...? What did you do with your time? That's so weird."

"I trained."

Abigail focuses for a moment on the road instead.

"Ánh is right, if you confirm that you know one of the assassins, let us handle it."

"She's clearly better with you, isn't she? I can tell from her voice. I knew she wasn't happy at the Institute. We tried to," her voice breaks, "but to leave everything and become a terrorist. I didn't think that she was that miserable."

"It's a possibility for you too. The becoming a terrorist, joining us, I mean." Rachel looks momentarily at her.

Here it is... another glimpse of your true nature. She doesn't care... Her goal is to recruit people. Don't believe anything she says.

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