31. Logical assumption

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The park in which Rachel stops the car is known for headlining the news now and then with some violent crime. Most people wouldn't dare to go there, and Rachel thought it would be the best place to get rid of the body.

She gets out of the car, takes her wig off, and drags the body out. It's a chilly night in early September, the moon is nowhere to be seen, covered by dark clouds. It's the perfect scenario to get rid of the body, she concludes. Abigail joins her, dressed in an oversize hoodie she found.

"When does the Angel of Death arrive?"

"Megan..." Rachel scoffs, "why would she come?"

"For you two to save his life."

"She's talented, that's for sure. But not even her can bring someone back. It's impossible. Once they are dead-"

"Maybe he's still alive!" Abigail's voice gets louder.

"He isn't," Rachel whispers.

"We haven't checked!" She kicks some dirt in Rachel's direction.

"I don't need to. For me to absorb a power, I have to identify it first. If he was alive, I'd know. I'm getting rid of the body, and if this is too much for you to handle, go away!" she softens her tone of voice, "but stay close enough so I can see you."

"You have done this so many times that you know the drill already."

Rachel takes a deep breath and is going to burn the body when Abigail laughs. First, timidly but it keeps getting louder.

"Are you insane? Stop it! We can't attract attention!"

She covers Abigail's mouth with her hand and the girl bites her.

"Leave me alone!" Abigail pushes her. "What? Nothing?"

Abigail pushes Rachel again and makes her trip and fall. Rachel cuts her leg on a broken branch. Abigail goes over to help her get up, but Rachel slaps her hand instead.

"What the hell?!" Rachel slowly gets up in pain. "Just use your stupid power to control your emotions."


"Okay, then, you leave me no choice. I'll do it for you. I'll make you all happy and fluffy. One second."

"Don't you dare!" Abigail closes her fists.

Rachel backs off.

"What do you need, Abigail? Because I need you to control yourself... we can't attract unwanted attention for obvious reasons. I'm here to help. You've already shot me once, now you make me trip and hurt my other leg. Will you stop making my life harder than it already is?" She takes several short breaths. "Please."

"Just another day on the job for you, right? Dealing with dead bodies... they keep piling up. How many have you got on your record? One thousand?"

Rachel rolls her eyes, turns around and drags the body to an open area. She forms flames on the body and creates a bubble with wind around it to keep the fire contained. 

She grabs a bottle of vodka from the car, sits nearby on a trench and nurses her wound. Abigail asks her for the bottle to drink and Rachel refuses.

"I'm genuinely curious. What's your number? Is your goal to reach the body count of daddy dearest? Or the entire Five? Rachel Moore, no one can say that you aren't ambitious!" Abigail shakes her head.

Rachel focuses on her wound, ripping part of her t-shirt to use as a bandage.

"So many you can't even remember, right? I don't think I'll ever forget this person." Her voice gets weaker.

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