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We start heading off too the computer lab and I talk about everything that happened while she had a frown on her face. She moved to touch the wall but I stopped her, I didn't want to see Lunar go through what I had.

We reached a simple room in search of our siblings, if we were to hack the final computer then it would be great if everyone was there.

I tempted to call out for them but I learned my lesson a while ago. So instead we split up and agree to wait for each other in the computer lab.

I crawl out of the room with Lunar leaving the opposite door, no blue glowing lights. We're free to go.

Keeping an eye out for 2 of my sister's– one good & one bad.

No sign of pink hair or a cake bucket hat– Where is she? Or atleast let me find Allen or something… No black hair or striking green eyes.

I thought of giving up but instead I decided to persevere and look for them harder.

Inside lockers, under desks, I even checked our dorm but all empty! Where would they be?

But like clockwork Allen showed up and I rushed over, he flinched. It made a small tear build up in my eye but I wiped it before he could see.

-"Where were you?"

-"I saw Rainbow… She was taken."

Draco looked petrified.

-"Where was she taken?!"

I ask impatiently

-"under the facility"

Draco said shaking

-"What do you-?"

Draco cuts me off and points towards the computer lab. How's there a basement?

-"She messed with something and then opened a secret hatch!"

Without a word I grab his hand and we head into the computer lab, it was empty people-wise– but there was the mask & the teachers computer as the only sources of light.

Sneakily Lunar walks up behind me and said "Boo!" I jump back as she laughed.

-"This isn't the time Lunar, Betty could be in danger!"


Wenny suddenly stern and started messing with the computer

-"Are you just gonna hack the computer and leave Betty to die!?"

Allen said accusingly making her mess up but nonetheless she continues with no worry.

-"I'm not opening the door– this thing can't even open the door. I'm opening the hatch."

Apart of the floor opens up and the mask fell inside of a mysterious basement.

-"Me & Betty we were learning over this thing?!"

-"I guess you were"

Climbing into the bunker, I purposely step on the mask– no dice.

But when I look up I see a frozen Betty, her skin had frosted and she was frozen in a reaching out motion. It was horrifying.

Draco ran as fast as he could to try and save her but Lunar just stood there– staring.

Funneh came in from the last computer door behind Betty, draining the fluid, but it was no use. She was frozen solid.

-"No need to even try to save her. She's ready for initiation"

Funneh said leaning against the tube.


Draco said angerily

-"These masks only really work in cold climate, that's why my hands are so cold compared to a traitor like Gold."

Funneh said smugly

-"Traitor? You kidnapped me!"

I say with ferocious anger.

-"You made it easy."

By now Allen had stepped away from the tube and Kat was staring right at us leaning against her hammer.


I take the scalpel out and ball up my other hand in a fist.

-"You can't fight me with just a tiny knife, especially when your still normal"

I could tell what she was saying. But I need revenge.

I pick up the mask and say something to Draco.

-"Sorry little brother. Stop "me" for me will ya?"

But before he could stop me I was closing my eyes and listening to Funnehs steps. I was at a major disadvantage, but I was filled with rage.

She struck me again & again, I was losing– losing badly. I rip the mask off and look at her readying the final hit. But this time I wouldn't pass out.

I looked at my old twin, wearing a mask– one with a devilish grin.

I threw my scalpel and broke the eye whole in her mask to show a horrified look, but it didn't matter.

She stopped mid swing.

The LEDS in her mask turned off and she dropped her hammer– passing it to me.

I take it reluctantly when the LEDS turned back on, but now I had her weapon.

Draco and Lunar join the fight and trips Funneh as I swing it to her face.

She drops and I peel the mask off of her face, it was refreshing to see my familiar sleepy sister again. Not a killer this time

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