Was it Worth it~★

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💙Funneh's Pov💙



I sobbed into my pillow & dripped snot all over my face.

-"Don't worry Kat I'm sure they didn't forget!"

Rainbow held my hand

-"Buh- but they only celebrated Kim's birthday she got- WAHH"

I blubbered even more this time rolling over and sitting up.

-"You know Kat... she's Kim... of course she'll get the best birthday, don't let that take you down."

I blubber again.

-"What's wrong Funneh? It's your birthday today!"

Draco steps through the doorway.

-"Nobody got me a present!"

-"Atleast Betty made you a clay statue!"

I cry more and point towards the shattered clay all over the floor under the bunk bed.

-"Oh no, that's too bad!"

Betty gives him a look as she continues to soothe me.

-"Rainbow, c'mere!"

Draco pulls Betty aside and they whisper something while looking shifty at me.

-"Hey Funnehhh"

Rainbow said


I pout at her as I wrap myself in my blanket.

-"How about me & Draco get you a reallyyy cool necklace"

-"How cool?"

I look shiftily at him

-"Really really cool, promise."

Betty smiled gently and opened her pinky, I lock hers with mine and I can't help but smile aswell.

-"Okay up from the bed."

She picked me up from my shoulders and set me on my feet.

-"Let's change the outfit for the special occasion!"

Gold said excitedly as she stopped me from putting on one of my normal dirty uniforms, when did she even get here?!

-"When did you get here?"

-"Doesn't matter, it's our birthday! Now get some clothes or you'll embarrass me."

-"We literally aren't allowed to wear anything else"

-"Do I look like a potato sack right now? Come on get over here!"

She took me by my shoulders & shoved me infront of her suitcase dresser thing, yes that's how we stored all of our clothes.

-"So how about a skirt instead of your usual sweatpants?"

-"But they're so comfyy!"

-"And they are also 10 sizes larger than your size!"

Gold gave me a cute white skirt and closed the curtain while Betty watched us with a smile.

-"How's this now?"

I say exasperated.

-"Your collars popped"

-"Ugh finee"

I move to neaten it but Draco stops me and whispers something into Golds ear again.

-"Keep it that way for now but let's go!"

She takes my hand and we leave the dorm.

-"First let's get the new chain, luckily Gold has some necklaces"

We all look at Gold and she begrudgingly hands over two copper chain necklaces, Draco links them together but leaves a little room the center piece. And for that I had my mind set on a beetle, a blue milkweed beetle to be exact. ★(The shiny blue metallic one)★

-"What?! Eww"

-"I mean it is your birthday so whatever floats your boat"

I gave them a cheeky smile and imagine the big shiny bug around my neck, perfect jewelry!

-"How are we even gonna get a beetle those are only in the up-upstairs..."

Draco said

-"Easy, go to the up-upstairs"


-"No. We are not doing that."

Gold says sternly, more of a Rainbow thing to say but alright.


-"It's my birthday too, I don't want to spend it doing testing all week..."

Gold says warily

-"I'll do it."

Lunar confidently strolls into the room.

-"Wait really!?"

I say in happiness, the other two say in shock.

-"Even if you got out, They'll totally find you! And you know what would happen if you get caught"

Draco said while Gold & Rainbow gulp, but Lunar confidently smirks.

-"You might know I haven't been in the art room, in art class right?"

-"What are you saying…"

Betty said about to do the typical eldest sibling motto.

-"Well, you might say… up & out the shoot… the ventilation shoot"

She says with a sly smile


-"It's my dearest older siblings birthday! How could I deny a noble request?"


-"I really really want that bug."

I interject to stop Betty from stopping the brave beetle warrior.

-"Ugh fine. Don't get caught Wenny, or I'll get you."

Nobody knew what Betty's "getting you" meant, but we didn't want to know.

-"Good luck soldier"

I jokingly pat on her shoulder.

-"And don't get 'get' by Rainbow!"

We head off to our own recreation clubs, Gold headed off to her cooking club, Rainbow doing the new club for the week, Draco went to do whatever, I of course went to go excitedly do track. And Lunar of course… she did 'art'.

The day went by.

The hours past.

And the clubs finished.

But Wenny didn't come back.

But I got the beetle.

That's what mattered.

-"Happy birthday Kat, Wenny got this for you"

-"Dr. Warhol… Where's Lunar..?"

-"She's just doing some testing for the week. Tell Gold I said happy birthday, I'll be in my office if you need me. Also, I made sure it wouldn't stink for you"

Dr. Warhol patted me on the head and  handed me the strangely glossy & cold beetle. I wore it though– after all she did, it was the least I could do appreciation wise.

¶•FLEE THE FACILITY★[✓]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang