Living Walls~★

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4/6 computers complete, but suddenly the 4/6 turned into 3/6- Betty or Wenny must've hacked the computer!

Sneaking by the glow of LEDS I enter the staff section.

-"So there should be a computer here, I remember one.''

Passing through the hall, I could hear Lunar humming a tune.

Hm hm hm hmm hmm hmm hm hm hm

Something was off, following Draco's advice I hid from her. She moved calmly and even twirled a bit! Must be in a good mood huh...

Once she passed I hopped out of the locker and continued on- why was she so suspicious? Was she the one behind this? No... she wouldn't... she's one of the kindest souls I know. Or rather if I was correct, knew...

Taking my mind off of the morbid subject I change the subject and think about the "Rust", what could it be? The humus in the lunch room must've been from yesterday's food fight. So then- this rust is done sort of... Fungi? A disease or maybe a parasite... what could this be?

I stopped and touched the rusty wall, as a test I scrapped a few off. But as quickly as it peeled off, it grew back like vines on the wall. Pulling away I decided to not touch it like that again, it seemed angry at me now.

I could feel the walls staring at me, I swear I could see Kat- my sister, Not the killer in the halls, but her smiling warmly at waving at me to come over. Tempted I step forward but stop myself, I blink & rub my eyes and see it was nothing.

Cursing to the walls I realize something horrifying, the walls were alive. I feel a sense of dread and look at my hand clearly to see it was starting to have rust wrapped around my hand.

Panicked, I peel it all off and the sense of dread left my soul as I could feel something leave my soul. I will never touch the walls.

Reaching the computer I remembered from earlier I hack away but at the same time the thought of everything hacked at my brain untill I finally snapped and almost broke the mouse but instead I just failed showing the same loud error message.

The earape sends me back to function as I crawl through a series of short connecting vents to leave the room unknowing to where I might end up next. Reaching the other area we were allowed to go to- the utility rooms.

Why I'm following a random urge, I don't know.

Walking into the surgery room I grabbed a scalpel and pocketed it, I would never stab my sister- that's a promise. But who knows, this could cut some wires or something.

After making sure I didn't miss anything I decided it would be safe to go back now and finish the computer off.

Sneaking in, I makes sure the coast was clear from afar- Left, Right? No sign of a hammer woman. All right.

Beginning from I had left off I hacked the computer with ease but occasionally looked behind me.

Once I finally finished, it had felt like hours... but it was only minutes. I was so... uneasy. It was like there was something looming behind me. Once again I turned around but there was no one, I turn back and read the email.

"The second phase of the surgery was a half success, she seems to be resisting any cruel commands revolving her siblings, such as doing simple pranks. However I've bypassed that malfunction in her mind by using indirect commands. (IE: you cannot command her to pour water on 005 but you can command her to get 005 to become wet.) For more complex tasks I recommend using another subject as a vector, you'd be surprised how manipulative she can be if you word it correctly.

Dr. W"


-"Oh. Lunar."

She was shrouded in darkness, only a backlight light her face. This was... this wasn't good. I backed away and grasped the scalpel in my pocket and my eyes fixated on her emotionless face.

But as if she could sense my wariness, she stepped into the light and gave the familiar smile of my sister I've known since forever. I put the scalpel back and hugged her and she hugged me back.

-"I was so worried about you Wenny"


She said looking at me

-"So have you seen Rainbow or Draco?"

I ask letting go.

-"I saw Rainbow earlier"

She said after scratching her head.

-"Oh, I saw Draco"

We begin to chat until a particular subject comes up- the last computers location.

-"I think I saw one in the computer lab"

I say off the top of my head

-.. --- -. .----. - / -.-. --- -- . / -.. --- -. .----. - / -... . / - .-. .. -.-. -.- . -..

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