Project Milkweed~★

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💜Lunar's Pov💜

Darkness. Pitch darkness. That's good.

I don't want anyone to see me, that would ruin my mission, I just need to out of this facility.

"Project Milkweed"

Now the problem was that this facility was decked out to the teeth in protection from getting in. Pretty impressive if you ask me, but not needed.

But the staff of this facility have to leave somehow, whether that be a convenient door or an infinite ravine I will do this mission, in & out!

Okay, how do I know where I'm going again? I open my notebook full of ventilation & plumbing maps I stole from Dr. H and retraced my steps. Left, right, forward 2 times and then left, got it!

Following the directions to a tee I shimmy my way out of the grate into an empty tube thingy– I think it's not done yet though. Using my metal paintbrush I delicately unscrew the door and pop out into the staff area.

I remember the time I discovered how to get here like it was yesterday. You see I was just in my art club milling around but then my art flew into the air shaft! So using some techniques Funneh taught me I jumped up from the desk, the art teacher wasn't here to stop me anyways.

-"My pasta resistance!"

I had only heard that from a movie Draco made me watch, but I liked the sound of it. Though I don't seem to recall the actual saying to this day.

Pasta, pista? That didn't matter right now I have to keep in track and reach outside then grab a shiny beetle I had only heard from one of Dracos brain flexs as I like to call them.

Now time for another vent crawling session, goodbye clean clothing. The vent to the up-upstairs was a dirty one after all.

Rolling up my sleeves I screwed open the simple bolts sealing it shut and crawled inside.

The rest went smoothly enough, until I reached the outside.

The entire ground was wasteland, and the rest was rusted– even the trees. But I couldn't find the beetle Funneh wanted.

Disappointedly, I climb back into the rusty grate but the unreliable rusted vent shaft broke under my feet!

Reaching the ground I could feel my leg was broken, and I could also hear booming footsteps… I gotta hide!

Limping weakly I crawl into a locker and watch through the slits.

-"What was that?– Oh no… CODE BROWN"

Around 50 guards rushed in and they all wore hazmat suits, one of them had the most gear… and with a prong they tried to pick up the broken rusted panel– rust. It traveled up the prong and reached his finger but by now it was too late. He ripped his glove off and started begging for mercy but the others finished him off. Horrifying.

I hold my mouth shut to prevent me from letting out a blood curdling scream.

Silently crying I couldn't help but watch more. By now the corpse had become full rust & bones, then Dr. W came. He ordered 2 scientists to use some strange tech to hover the rusted materials while he stayed and inspected the dying corpse, he hadn't been finished off after all.

-"You idiots, I told you to try keep the specimens healthy for trials!"

-"I'm sorry sir, we couldnt watch him struggle like that"

-"Touching the rust in general was idiotic, on the bright side we know the new mixture isn't affective."

He moved his hands in a dismissive motion and the soldiers walked off while he scribbled something in his notebook.

He stood up and walked out of the room and I breathed a sigh of relief, I swing the locker door open and limped towards the opposite door. I was safe for now.

-"Hey what are you doing!"

-"Then something hit my head, then I woke up on the operating table with you looking over me."

I say towards the stranger as I gloomily look down towards the straps on my feet & arms with wires & monitors connecting into me when he calls a command.


Uncontrollably my head turns up to look at him as he writes something in his book.

-"Can I- Can I go back now?"

I plead.

-"The first phase is complete, but she needs more conditioning for maximum obedience."

A tear falls down my face as I think to struggle but my body was completely paralyzed. I miss my family… Betty, Kim, Kat… Allen… Help me… please…

-"Stop crying."

Another command hits my ears and I follow against my will, as I look emotionlessly into the wall he turns the lights off and leaves me alone in a dark, empty room.

.. - / .-- .- ... / -- -.-- / ..-. .- ..- .-.. -

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