7 ☆votes and discussions☆

458 11 17

The week had started again and the students' complaints could already be heard in the early morning

Relations with the boys of the other classes began to be closer, James had many friends and was very popular with the girls, in fact most of them liked him and he didn't mind.

In short, it was not him that bothered.

Same thing for Yul who was already engaged to a Japanese girl who was one year younger. Riya, on the other hand, was envied by everyone even though she had no money and a bad family situation. Ally had found other people who were passionate about video games and Aiden He was considered the cutest boy in the whole school, he gave a sense of motherhood to all the girls.

Anxiety began to be felt when in the third period the teacher arrived with a pile of papers which were the tests that the students had taken the week before

Prof 《 Now be quiet and open your ears because I will not repeat the vows twice》

Everyone eagerly sat down at their desks anxious to know their votes

Prof《Aiden, 7》

The boy smiled and cheered for his vote

Aiden 《let's see if you can beat me》

He said to James, trying to annoy him since he knew he hadn't studied. In response he received a nice middle finger

Prof 《ally, 4》

The girl remained passive, a failing grade awaited her

Prof 《Hunter, 4,5》

Even the dark boy took it lightly, albeit with a touch of disappointment

Prof《James, 2》

The boy looked at him nervously already thinking of all the screams he would have suffered that same evening from his parents. Aiden meanwhile looked at him laughing

James 《the fuck are you laughing?》
Aiden 《that's what you get! asshole

Aiden told him getting an elbow in the ribs

Prof 《Kai, 9-》
Kai 《I felt it, nature had told me》

yul intervened but was immediately silenced

Prof 《Lake, 7》

The girl smiled and looked at Aiden, glad she got her own grade

Prof 《Maggy, 7》

Kai looked at her smiling and giving her a thumbs up

Prof 《Oliver, 8,5》
Prof 《Riya, 6》

Even though her grade wasn't one of the best Look the girl looked down on others the fact that she had copied from Lake and the professor hadn't noticed it made her feel unbeatable

Lake 《 Could you at least thank me since I made you copy everything》
Riya 《Are you kidding? We are friends, it is your duty to make me copy》

Prof 《Rosa, 7,5》
Prof 《Tess, 4》

No sign of life from tess, no sadness, no happiness, nothing

Prof 《Yul, 2》

The boy tried to argue back but was silenced again

Blinded by anger Yul glared at Maggie who tried to avoid the gaze. Before the test, Kai had told her to make Yul make a mistake and give him a lesson and she didn't think twice about doing it.
She was proud of what she had done, but also afraid of what her classmate might do to her.

In the intermission, while Maggy was alone at her desk, Yul turned to her threateningly

Yul 《little bitch, how did I get 2 if you got 7?!》

Maggy avoided her gaze without answering

Yul 《you did it on purpose didn't you?!》

Yul was about to punch her but was stopped by Kai who stepped in front blocking him and kicking him on the belly


Yul di got up with difficulty looking at the two with eyes full of anger, then stifled a laugh

Yul 《you pitted against the wrong person, losers》
Kai 《you pitted against the wrong person, buddy》

Kai punched him in the right eye which knocked him backwards; later Yul was sent to the infirmary and Kai to the presidency, but for good reason

Out in the hallway Rosa, Lake and Riya were arguing about the fact that Riya still hadn't thanked Lake for copying her

Riya 《What are we discussing?! Are you really making all this controversy for a "thank you"?》
Rosa 《 It's unfair! It's thanks to her that you passed!》
Riya 《 Weren't we friends? Friends do this, they help each other》
Lake 《 Yes, but only if there is someone on the other side who is grateful》

Rosa pulled Lake by the sweatshirt and dragged her away without even looking at Riya's face

Rosa 《 Leave her alone, don't give her weight, she's just taking advantage 》

Lake knew it was true, but she did not accept the fact that she'd been naive enough to make her fall for her deception. He thought to Aiden, he hadn't let James copy his verification, even if a small part of him wanted to; but the mind won over the feelings.

James, by the way, wasn't that mad at Aiden for not having him copied, but he pretended to be to make him feel guilty and get his attention. In fact, in the following days Aiden tried to talk to him, it seemed absurd that he was angry about that test. He didn't care much that James ignored him, but he didn't want to be on bad terms with his classmate and besides, he was the only one in the class who could freely insult him knowing he wouldn't mind.

Aiden 《Would you stop ignoring me?! It's not as serious as it seems, in short, do you take it out on such nonsense?!
Hey! Are you listening to me?! Oh! Watch me! I'm talking to you and I'd rather have your attention! JAMES!》
James 《okok! how much you scream》

James spun around and laughed softly pretending not to notice

James 《honestly, I never expected you to care so much for me》

Aiden looked at him confused but at the same time relieved because finally after three days he had spoken to him. James saw his confusion and explained to him

James 《i just wanted to see your reaction》
Aiden 《Are you saying you ignored me for three whole days making me feel guilty about a right thing I did just to see how I reacted?!》
James 《yes》
Aiden 《 I just regretted what I did, now I'll never speak to you again. Bye》

James laughed and while Aiden had turned to leave he grabbed him around the waist and I'll tell if squeezing him

James 《You're not going anywhere you, shitty Dwarf
Aiden 《 you can't hold me back, fake influencer

The two boys continued to shower each other with playful insults for the rest of the day

☆Disventure Camp high school☆Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat