Chapter Thirty-Two: Rest in Desecrated Lies

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Joey stopped talking and looked away, which you found to be perfect opportunity to look around at where you were. 

A bed, a kitchen... is this his hideout? A safehouse

You thought it might be rude to look around, so you didn't. 

Bendy had other ideas. He let go of you in a small fit and looked around with a huff in his step, anger plastered on his face. 

'Bendy?' Joey gave him a weird and quizzical look, but smiled back at you straight after.

Bendy went over to a chest and opened it, looking through the stuff inside. 

'Bendy!' you called, your ears getting a sudden hotness from embarrassment. 'You can't just-' 

'It's fine, Y/N, I don't need anything here... not anymore.' You looked back at Bendy to see him grabbing batteries and parts in upset, obviously not a fan of this man. 

'O...kay...?' You look back to Joey. He sighed in sorrow, and looked away.

'Look, above all... never forget, Y/N. Don't let yourself forget, or this place make you. You're here for a reason, Y/N. Even bigger of a reason than Audrey.' 

Hearing your mother's name made a shiver run down your spine as he stared at you, blank. In the shock, you dropped your weapon on the ground, making a loud thud. 

Bendy looked at you, worried. He rushed over and took your hand, whistling to ask if you were okay. 

You gave Joey a searing death stare. 

'How. How do you know my mother's name?!' A strange feeling bubbled inside. 

He knows, and if he knows... 'Joey. Answer me.'

He stared at you, his expression not changing. 'There is always a reason.' You jumped up and grabbed his tie, bringing him down to your level. 

'No more. No more cryptic words. Answers. Now.' He gave you a smirk which made you cringe in disgust. 

'Even when you can't understand it, Y/N, there's a reason. Remember that.' You let go of his tie, giving up trying to get through to him. Bendy's shoulder's relaxed as he saw you lose trust in Joey.

'You made this world. You fix it. Why do I have to?' You growl in frustration, crossing your arms over your chest as you started to feel overwhelmed. 

Joey just smiled and shook his head, taking a step away from you. 'I'm not the man. I'm just... the memory.' He placed his arms over his chest and his dissipated into thin air, small trickles of ink flying through the air. 

The door on the other side of the room suddenly opened revealing a strange looking shrine. 

What just happened...

You walked forward trying to see what the shrine had written on it. Only going closer however, made it revealed to be a tombstone. 

"Joey Drew, 1901-1971" You already knew he was dead in real life, so why did it feel weird seeing this? 

'Who was that then?' you ask Bendy, who stood beside you. He shook his head, not knowing himself... but he still didn't seem it like it. Instead, he got excited over a Bendy plush that was lying on the ground, leaning against the grave.

He grabbed it off the ground and gave it a really tight squeeze, hugging the life out of it in joy. 

'That cheered you up, huh?' you say, laughing. Bendy really knows how to brighten the room after a boiling anger seems to settle in.

A door was closed beside you both, so you went over to it and jiggled the handle. It opened easily for you. 

Bendy rushed back inside Joey's hideout, making you confused, but he brought back the batteries and parts he found, along with your pipe. 

'Oh! Uh... You can leave those parts and things here; we don't need to grab everything we see... but thank you for the pipe!' He gave you the pipe and reluctantly placed Joey's things on the ground next to the grave. He still held onto the Bendy plush, however. 

You chuckled and he showed it to you, asking for permission. 'Yeah, you can keep it.' He whistled high in joy and twirled around, hugging it to his chest.

'Now you'll have two toys to play with!' you give Bendy a happy smile, which he returns. 

A dark and narrow hallway stood before you two, almost foreshadowing something. You walk through with Bendy behind you... You felt safer with him there, even though if it came to a fight with the Ink Demon, Bendy wouldn't be able to do much. 

A note was on a table, which you swiftly picked up.

"Don't ever lose hope. When in doubt, the answer you seek is usually nearby. We all have dreams, ghosts in our past. But those ghosts can give us the path forward." It was, once again, signed by "Your Best Pal". 

You showed Bendy the poem, and his smile grew. 

'Do you know who wrote this?' He shook his head and gave it back to you. You decided to keep it, as it was obviously being addressed to you. 

Walking down yet another long corridor, you found yourself staring at a large expanse. 

'What is this place?' you murmured. Bendy replied by pointing down at a large pipe-like system, that was empty currently. 

The sewers.

An Inkwell's Stain //BATDR Fanfiction\\ [Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now