Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Jovial Return

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Heading back around, you flow back over to the other balcony and find yourself in a darkened room. Seems fitting for the way forward... The stained tendrils of your ink-soaked hair swayed a little, a slight breeze coming to you. 

You hadn't even noticed the heat. It was so hot in here to the point that you were sweating in the bask of barely any light. So the sudden light breeze relaxed you a little. 

Wait, why is there a breeze? Is there an exit nearby? 

You got excited, looking around for anything that could be a way out.

A sign was brightly lit, piquing your interest. "Elevator Up" with an arrow pointing forward. 

I'm going up. 

Heading down the stairs, you find a place that give you a strange sense of nostalgia. Why does this place feel familiar?

I will find you...

Oh, would you go away? 

You roll your eyes and continue forward, grasping your weapon in your hand.

I never asked for us to share a consciousness, Y/N. The Dark Puddles work in peculiar ways...

I didn't either. So can we just not talk with each other? You're driving me mad.

That is what I was aiming for, poor and reeking soul... Your fate has already been sealed; it was as soon as you met Wilson.

Don't remind me of that wretch.

I loathe him as well, his existence is meaningless in my plan...

One thing we can agree on.

He didn't reply and let you in the quiet, alone. 

Thank god

Your relationship with this demon was rather unrequited, he was taking to you and trying to get in your head, but you wouldn't have any of it. Thinking of the monster however, reminded you of a lot of a friendly demonic figure. 

Where is Bendy...

You really missed him, and honestly didn't even care about getting answers for why he ran away. You just wanted to see him again. 

A re-charge station for your Gent Pipe was beside you, so you decided to charge it for the door up ahead. Learning from what Bendy had taught you, you reach in your pocket for a battery and pop it inside the deposit box, a whirring sound filling the air. You place down the pipe into its slot and twist the crank around, watching the progress bar slowly go up.

Eventually the progress bar fills up, and you take the Gent Pipe out. Looking toward the barricaded door, you flip the pipe around in your hand. You place the pipe into the door's barricade and pull the lever, allowing you access to continue.

"The Machine must Endure" was, once again, scrawled onto the wall. Is this meant to be a sign or something? Rounding the corner, you found yourself in a big expanse, comfy waiting-room seats with a huge Bendy cut out watching behind. It seemed rather comforting and relaxing. 

'This is Wilson.' his voice rang through the place, really dulling the mood. 'Anyone caught in restricted areas will be taken immediately to the Pit.' 

The Pit?

The way he worded it makes it sound rather ominous... not exactly whimsical. '...So be a good egg, follow the rules... and get my favour done.' He cut off, and you remembered that your head was on the line here. 

An Inkwell's Stain //BATDR Fanfiction\\ [Male Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu